Secure Facility Secure boot camp settings. For the eligibility groups reflected in the table, an individual's income, computed using the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)-based income rules described in 42 CFR 435.603, is compared to the income . Note: A licensed vocational nurse or licensed practical nurse does not meet the definition of practitioner. Dispose To authorize an Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) so eligibility is established or denied. Managed care includes the health maintenance organization (HMO) model. Traditional Medicaid The current Land Loans interest rate for Texas veterans is 6.95%. That means bringing some manufacturing back home, or "reshoring" and moving some of it . Report Date The date information is reported to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Falsified Statement A statement made by an individual, orally or in writing, that is not true, such as claiming to have been without worksince a certain date,when the individual was employed during that time period. First Cousin Once Removed A person who is either one's first cousin's child or the parent's first cousin. Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) A utility assistance program funded annually by the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) administers unemployment benefits, which provide temporary relief for eligible Texans who find themselves out of work or dealing with severely reduced work hours. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Issuance Staff An HHSC employee who issues and registers EBT cards for people in the local HHSC office. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. Reasonable Compatibility The method of verification used for Medical Programs. Self-Service Portal (SSP) A web-based application, notifying the applicant and the eligibility system when spend down is met. Successful prosecution of misuse of PHI may include imprisonment and/or financial sanctions as set forth in Standards for Privacy of Individual Health Information 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164. Residents of a publicly operated community residence are potentially eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Medicaid. Continuing Scheme A situation in which a recipient commits two or more acts. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) The federal program that funds assistance for energy costs for low-income households. Recognizable Needs The maximum needs amount allowed by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) when determining eligibility. This information is compared to the application and details from the interview to identify case discrepancies and reduce the possibility of case error and fraud. The final digit of your SNAP EDG (Eligibility Determination Group) number indicates the day on which you will receive benefits. Educator Expenses Expenses for which educators, kindergarten through grade 12 teachers, counselors, principals or aides can receive a federal income tax deduction. The automated process uses existing applicant information, electronic data source information and reasonable compatibility when income verification is required. Download it in the Google Play oriTunes App Store. If you already have a Lone Star Card PIN, you can keep it or change it. full service having a significant presence of Choices staff; or. Alternate Payee A person who receives the benefits for the EDG when people on the EDG are unable or ineligible to receive them. The ATA allows access to the EBT system and may also be used for inquiry on EBT-related information, expedited Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit authorization, and account transaction updates to the EBT database. Penalty on Early WithdrawalA federal income tax deduction for people who withdrew money from a time-deposit savings account before the certificate maturing and who were charged a penalty for early withdrawal. produces reports that meet Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), state and federal reporting requirements. Military Member Aperson in the U.S. Armed Forces/Reserves (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard), National Guard (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Reserve Guard) or the State Military Forces/Texas State Guard. File Clearance compares the individual's demographic information against databases for potential matches. Enter this for various situations including: Real Property Land and any improvements on it. Three Months Prior The three-month period before the Medicaid application month. Deportation (or Removal) Withheld Deportation is being withheld under Section 243(h) of the INA, or removal is withheld under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA. This includes falsifying a document or a statement, or providing false information in an interview, with the intent to commit fraud. A Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) household whose members are all approved for TANF or SSI. a supervised shelter that provides temporary living quarters; a place not intended for regular sleeping quarters; or. A calendar tax year is 12 consecutive months beginning Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31. Tip Income Income earned along with wages paid by patrons to people employed in service-related occupations. This gives a source of citizenship or alien status verification for certain Medical Programs. You'll get an email or text when there'sa form or notice available online in yourMessage Center. an applicant or a certified Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)or Medical Program household member or a member who would be certified but is disqualified; or. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) applicants and individuals in these counties are not subject to SNAP federal time limits because of the job market. some eligible members receive TANF or RCA, and all other eligible members receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), including SSI essential persons. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Medical coverage for children under 19 whose family income exceeds the limits for Children's Medicaid. Proration Portion of total monthly benefits a household is entitled to receive. Four Months Post-Medical Medicaid coverage extended for a maximum of four months after denial of a case because of spousal support income. It must take place before the person receives a seventh warrant. For example, if you are receiving disability benefits through the Social Security Administration, then your Social Security number is the individual number used by the state of Texas. It gives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid information on Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) people. A person may buy the contract alone or with the help of an employer. One program is the Choices program for TANF recipients, and the other is the SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) program for SNAP recipients. To start a new session, you must close the browser window. Qualified Health Professional A person who provides care under the supervision of a licensed practitioner or a medical or dental practice that is state regulated. Its given to an elderly household member, a household member with a disability, or both, who incur medical expenses of more than $35 but less than or equal to $137. generate a manual issuance of benefits outside the normal eligibility process. Each functional area contains pages that allow authorized staff to perform activities related to the business process. the value of in-kind assistance provided by the sponsor or others. This includes legal parents and stepparents who are disqualified for one of the reasons listed inA-222, Who Is Not Included, No. Each state has its own rules about who's eligible, and what Medicaid covers. Get help over the phone,from an HHSC benefit officeor community partner. These include Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance Your Texas Benefits, or Form H1205, Texas Streamlined Application. Type Program (TP) 08, Parents and Caretaker Relatives Medicaid A child who is18 or under, and a full-time student meeting the school attendance requirement. System-Generated Created by a computer system programmed with given parameters. Certification Period The period of eligibility established at disposition. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Household Size The number of people in an applicants or recipients MAGI household composition, including the number of unborn children, if applicable. Preschool Children Children who are under six. is the guardian of a victim of a violent crime. What is individual number for Texas benefits? Secondary Cardholder A person designated by the primary cardholder as eligible to access the person's Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account with a second EBT card and personal identification number (PIN). To find out if you might be eligible for Medicaid in Texas, visit These are given to a SNAP household that either incurs a heating or cooling cost separate from the rent or received a Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) payment. U.S. Or send an e-mail to: Data Collection The functional area where individual household, non-financial, resource, income, and deduction information is recorded for use in building Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) and determining eligibility for types of assistance. Permissible purpose means the person whose credit report is requested must be: Staff who request credit information without permissible purpose are subject to fines, imprisonment, or both. Advanced Nurse Practitioner A registered nurse with additional training and certification in a specific area of medicine. The person's must have no vested interest in the household's situation. Reimbursement Repayment for a specific item or service. When the OAG receives a child support collection on the current monthly obligation and that payment exceeds the TANF grant plus any unreimbursed assistance, the excess is sent to the person. Interfaces The functional area that exchanges information with other systems and agencies. Common Law Marriage Relationship in which the two parties both 18 years or older: A minor child in Texas cannot legally enter a common law marriage unless the claim of common law marriage began before Sept. 1, 1997. Some people qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. Case Mode Status of a case that identifies that: Case Number A unique 10-digit number that identifies a group of Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs). The Veterans Land Board (VLB) Land Loan Program provides financing on tracts for eligible veterans up to $150,000 with a minimum 5% down payment and a fixed-rate 30-year loan term. Underpayment Issuance of fewer benefits than an individual is entitled to receive. Treat an untimely reapplication the same as an initial application. They can also change any case data for cases where they are the head of household, an adult member within the household, or an authorized representative. Parent A person with either a natural, biological, adopted or stepchild. The driver flow is determined by the programs, types of assistance, and answers to questions as the case is worked. Redetermination A complete action to determine eligibility for a new certification period in a program. Indigent Alien A sponsored alien whose total income in the month of application does not exceed 130 percent of the federal poverty level for the alien's household size. Second Parent This is the parent who is not the caretaker. Notice of Adverse Action A notice provided to the household on TF 0002 that includes explaining the proposed adverse action, reason for the action, right to a fair hearing, availability of continued benefits. You will need to login again. Payments to Civilians Relocated During Wartime Payments made to Aleuts or people of Japanese ancestry or their heirs who were relocated during World War II. Escrow An escrow account is an account a mortgage company sets up for the homeowner as part of their monthly mortgage payment. able to apply for Medicaid on the child's own behalf; or. Community Supervision The placement of a misdemeanor or felony offender under supervision for a specified length of time ordered by the court. Home School A type of education in which children are taught by their parents, or someone acting in parental authority, at home, using a set curriculum. Lock-in A status created by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for certain people to help contain Medicaid costs, which allows additional review of high Medicaid users. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) A dial-in inquiry system (also known as Automated Voice Response [AVR]) that provides 24-hour access to automated account information via a digital phone. The amount the employer pays is counted as part of the person's gross income. Off-Line Transaction The processing of Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) transactions using a manual voucher. Seebatch processing,pending correspondence,print mode,print type,system-generatedanduser-generated. HHSC IEVS Staff HHSC eligibility field staff who process Automated System for Office of Inspector General (ASOIG) Match Texas Works Messages and MEPD Long Term Care (LTC) IEVS Matches. This results in: Administrative Review A desk review of the fair hearing record by a Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) attorney to determine if the hearing officer's decision is correct. Card Sleeve A durable paper envelope folded to the dimensions of the plastic EBT card. Spend Down The amount of excess income that the applicant must deplete with incurred medical bills before being certified as medically needy. Incidentals include normal day-to-day transportation, phone, laundry, medical supplies not paid by Medicaid, home remedies, recreation and household equipment. Reshoring replaces offshoring. The network is comprised of the statewide efforts of TWC along with planning and service provision by 28 local workforce boards on a regional level. Non-Public Assistance (NPA) Household Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) households where no one receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or only some of the members receive TANF. cash contributions of the sponsor or others; and. Logical Unit of Work (LUW) A set of Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) pages that must be completed before the information entered on these pages is saved. Administrative Renewal The method used to redetermine eligibility for most Medical Programs, including Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) and the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Medicaid is also known as the medical assistance program. Meal delivery services A non-profit establishment approved by Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) that prepares and delivers meals to elderly people or people who are housebound, have a physical handicap, or otherwise have a disability that prevents the person from adequately preparing all their meals. Purchasing a product with SNAP benefits with a container requiring a return deposit. Case Visibility Type of account given to an applicant who has been through Advanced Authentication so is granted a Case Visibility level account. The official document indicates to and for whom the support is paid, the frequency and the amount of payment. Educational Expenses/Student Loan Interest A federal income tax deduction for people paying interest on student loans or for people with education expenses such as tuition, fees, room and board, books and other supplies. The: User-Generated Action generated directly by an individual's computer input. Please retype the user name and password, or sign up if you haven't already done so. to claim a personal exemption deduction on the taxpayers federal income tax return for one or more applicants. Minor Parent A person under 18 who has a dependent. The PAN is not related to the persons Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) case number. Click here to re-activate your account. High School Diploma Certification issued by a state-accredited school to a student who successfully completes the curriculum requirements for secondary school as approved by the State Board of Education. Third-Party Resource A source of payment of medical expenses other than the recipient or the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Undocumented Alien An alien living in the U.S. without the knowledge and permission of the U.S. See functional area. Publicly Operated Community Residence A facility designed to serve up to 16 residents and to provide some services beyond food and shelter, such as social services, training in socialization, and life skills. Royalty A payment to a person for permitting another to use or market property. Expedited Service Special, faster processing of SNAP applicants who qualify for an emergency food allotment, for active duty military members and their dependents applying for medical coverage and for pregnant women applicants who qualify for current or ongoing medical coverage. Catchment Area The area covered by service. Applied Income The countable amount of income for TANF after allowing deductions for tax dependents, child support, alimony and persons a legal parent is legally obligated to support. In 2003, USCIS officially assumed responsibility for the immigration service functions of the federal government. Also covers medicines ordered by doctors and dentists. Other-Related Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Medical Program (TANF/MP) Child An eligible child living with a relative other than the child's legal parent. Qualified expenses include purchased books, supplies, equipment and other classroom materials. Annualize Averaging income over a 12-month period. Eligibility Determination Benefit Calculation (EDBC) uses the discovery and report dates to determine if a required report of change is reported timely. Inaccessible Resources Resources not legally available to the person. Fast forward to 2023, and many companies in some cases spurred by massive government subsidies are taking big steps to diversify their supply chains, focusing on reliability and robustness over cost and efficiency. There are three types of benefit accounts: The person or their representative uses the Lone Star Card and a personal identification number (PIN) to access benefits in the account. past, present or future payment for the provision of health care to the person. In-Kind Contribution Any gain or benefit to a person that is not in the form of money paid directly to the person such as clothing, public housing or food. Non-Traditional Retailer A food retailer who operates in a farmer's market or as a roadside vendor. Nonconvertible bonds are exempt resources. These facilities have limited power of attorney to obtain health care and educational services for the children under their care. To ensure the information is saved in an LUW in Data Collection, the user can click on the Next button to advance to the next LUW or on the Previous button to return to the previous LUW. The participation status indicates whether the person is considered an adult or a child according to policy. Automated Renewal Process The first step in an administrative renewal. Life Estate Income a person receives from ownership of property that they only possess for the duration of their life, such as rental income. You need 4 numbers for your PIN. To be eligible for Texas Medicaid, you must be a resident of the state of Texas, a U.S. national, citizen, permanent resident, or legal alien, in need of health care/insurance assistance, whose financial situation would be characterized as low income or very low income. Falsified Interview An interview with agency personnel at which time the individual does not report all current income or accurate circumstances. Periodic Income Check (PIC) The process to determine whether electronic data indicates that there has been a change in the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) household income that could make the recipient ineligible for certain Medical Programs. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Site Coordinator An HHSC employee designated to ensure local offices comply with guidelines on security and accountability operations. The same benefit is now called One-Time TANF for Relatives, with payment records stored in TIERS. Assets All items of monetary value owned by a person. The benefit is funded by taxes collected from businesses. Disaster SNAP (D-SNAP) gives short-term food benefits to people recovering from a disaster. Effective Month The first month benefits can be affected based on the monthly cutoff date or applicable policy for advance and adequate notice of adverse action. The Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) name must be within the required degree of relationship to the dependent child. Third Party Person or organization outside the certified household. Account Transfer The way an applicants information moves between the Marketplace and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) when a person applies for health insurance or medical programs. It is also referred to as spousal support. Taxpayer A person or a married couple who expects: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Basic Cash assistance for families that include a dependent child and no more than one eligible adult. TANF provides families with financial assistance and support services. Application Registration The functional area where a person's application for assistance is recorded. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Representative A primary cardholder other than the case name. are received for a minimum of three months. Scheduling The functional area that manages eligibility appointments. Adverse Action Any HHSC action resulting in denial, suspension, reduction or termination of assistance. Fugitive An individual fleeing to avoid prosecution of or confinement for a felony criminal conviction or found by a court to be violating federal or state probation or parole. Derivative Citizenship U.S. citizenship that is claimed by a person born outside of the U. S. to one or both U.S. citizen parents. Expenses of Performing Artists Federal income tax deductible expenses for qualified performing artists paid or accrued through performances while serving as an employee in the performing arts. Note:This does not include anyone who otherwise qualifies as a resident of a drug and alcohol treatment center, federally subsidized housing for the elderly, a qualifying group living arrangement, a shelter for battered persons, or a shelter for the homeless. the requirement of more information from the applicant to manually process the redetermination. Disqualified Person Someone who is normally considered a participating member of a household but whose needs are not considered because they failed to meet or comply with a program requirement. HHSC The Texas Health and Human Services Commission. The matching funds are inaccessible to the person if the funds are paid directly to a bank or loan institution, a person selling a home, or a business account. Administrative Terminal Application (ATA) A software program accessible on one or more Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) desktop computers in each office. Identical Application One or more exact copies of an application previously submitted by an applicant. Personal Identification Number (PIN) Security Actions cardholders should take to prevent others from gaining access to their PIN and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account. TWC has designated all counties in Texas as Choices counties, and the Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs), after coordination with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) state office, assign a service level designation for each county depending upon services available in that county. The LUW is represented by a set of tabs at the top of a TIERS page. Appeals are logged and updated in the Hearing functional area on the navigation bar. ), advanced nurse practitioner (A.N.P.) All system-generated correspondence is sent to pending correspondence, but it can be retrieved and printed locally. Marketplace The governmental entity that makes qualified health plans available to qualified people, qualified employers or both. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on an official government site. Override A Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) procedure that allows the user to make a change to the system-determined Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) results. This procedure can be used when policy has changed and TIERS has not yet been updated to process the policy change correctly. The employer does not match the money contributed by the employee until the defined period of time ends. The user reaches the end of the driver flow at the Case Assignment page and must use the Left Navigation to return to specific pages in Data Collection. Legally Obligated Child Support Court order or a legally recorded document requiring the payments of child support to be made in the form of cash, medical support, or to a third party. ITINs let people without SSNs pay taxes. There are two types of categorically eligible households: Certificate of Coverage A certificate that serves as proof of a Medicaid recipient's most recent period of Medicaid coverage. Timely Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) application filed by the 15th of the last month of certification. If you are just looking for support services and want to be contacted by programs, you need to create an account. Domicile A home maintained or being established, as shown by continuation of responsibility for day-to-day care of the child, by the relative who the child lives. a facility located on the grounds of or immediately adjacent to any large institution or multi-structure complex; an educational or vocational training institution; and. Helps pregnant, breastfeeding women and families with children younger than 5 buy healthy foods. Emergency Medicaid All types of emergency Medicaid coverage programs for people who are nonimmigrants, undocumented aliens or certain legal permanent resident aliens who have emergency medical conditions and who, except for alien status, would be Medicaid-eligible. They are also subject to disciplinary action from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Staff also use the EBT system to perform such functions as inquiry, account transaction update to the vendor database and, in certain very restricted situations, priority SNAP benefit authorization. Manual Voucher Transaction A paper-based debit transaction completed by the food retailer when the automated Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system is down or unavailable. Excess Payment A payment sent to a TANF recipient by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The parent oversees the curriculum and ensures that the children are actually being educated. SeeCorrespondence,Print ModeandPrint Type. Noncompliance with the PRA results in a sanction. Emancipated Minor A person 17 and under who has been married. A boarder can receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits only with the household where they board. Coordination of benefits (COB) allows plans that provide health and/or prescription coverage for a person with Medicare to determine their respective payment responsibilities (i.e., determine which insurance plan has the primary payment responsibility and the extent to which the other plans will contribute when an individual is covered by more all eligible members receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA); or. Standby List Applicants who are awaiting an interview without a specific appointment. People can apply using a simplified application, and they do not typically have to complete an interview at redetermination. Medical Support Health insurance that absent parents will be ordered to obtain for their children who receive Medicaid when it is available at reasonable cost. Your case number is a 10-digit number that HHSC uses to bundle and process benefits you receive through their agency. Medicaid Supplemental Payment & Directed Payment Programs, Part D, Children's Health Insurance Program, Part F, Former Foster Care in Higher Education, Part M, Medicaid for Transitioning Foster Care Youth, Part X, Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer. Personal Account Number (PAN) The 19-digit number on the front of the Lone Star Card representing the persons Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account number on the EBT database. Marriage A legally or formally recognized union between two people. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Non-Cash (TANF-NC) Consists of services for: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Redirect A Texas Works message to TANF applicants delivered up front by Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff before the application process begins, explaining that: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families State Program (TANF-SP) Cash assistance for families with a dependent child and at least two adults. Balance Receipt A paper receipt that shows the available balance in an person's cash or food account.
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