Re: Post-Finasteride Syndrome: A Surmountable Challenge for Clinicians. The Impact of 5-Reductase Inhibitor Use for Male Pattern Hair Loss on Men's Health. Are finasteride-related penile curvature/Peyronie's disease Adverse Event Reports worthy of further clinical investigation? If PFS patients and/or family members encounter resistance to and dismissal of PFS as a real medical condition by their doctor, but their doctor is at least open-minded, we recommend that they ask him/her to carefully review this literature and news, along with our PFS Diagnostic Criteria, Doctors & Researchers Speaking Out, PFS Quilt and Propecia Litigation Library pages. Its sold under the brand names Propecia and Proscar. Customers were given free product..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, many vitamins are vital for proper hair growth. Low levels of these hormones increase glutamate and may account for the appearance of behavioural disorders such as anxiety, aggression, and cognitive dysfunction. Punk?. (For a complete list of reported PFS symptoms, see our About Post-Finasteride Syndrome page. Here we evaluate the scientific and clinical evidence in the contemporary medical literature to address the very fundamental question: Is PFS a real clinical condition caused by finasteride use or are the reported symptoms only incidentally associated with but not caused by finasteride use? WebThis endocrine crash usually occurrs a few days or weeks after the cessation of treatment with 1 mg finasteride in these patients. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. This is a difficult question to answer as there is a small minority of PFS patients who have reported anecdotally that they have developed PFS only after quitting finasteride. Unfortunately, PFS is a condition with no known cure at this time, and few, if any, effective treatments. I got Post Accutane Syndrom, which is related to PFS, there is a down regulation of 5 alpha reductase 1. It was described that the prolonged use of 5-steroid reductase inhibitors in patients with alopecia can cause persistent side effects called a post-finasteride syndrome (PFS), that is not just a simple coexistence of events, but rather a definite syndrome with an iatrogenic background. Any idea why that may be? Vitamin C for erectile dysfunction: the best vitamin for ED? Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. 8600 Rockville Pike We are in contact with many women around the world whove told us that, as a direct result of taking finasteride, they suffer from many of the same symptoms as male PFS patients. Is your diet scattered all over the place? I look and feel so much younger!, When I show my barber my progress, he is always in disbelief. For example, in a one-year trial, men with male pattern baldness who were treated with 1mg of finasteride per day reported the following side effects: Decreased libido (reported by 1.8 percent of men), Erectile dysfunction (reported by 1.3 percent of men), Ejaculation disorder (reported by 1.2 percent of men). See? J Endocrinol Invest. I have tried a few of the a above already alone with no improvement however I think a holistic combination may be the answer. Indeed, delineating the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying PFS will be of paramount importance to the understanding of this syndrome and to development of potential novel therapeutic modalities. The truth of vitamin B6 on DHT for hair growth. As more studies are conducted, we may learn more about the possible link between finasteride and the reports of various long-term symptoms. In some people with PFS, DHT might be normal, but testosterone and cortisol low and estrogen and prolactin high. Furthermore, we have reports from many patients who used topical finasteride solutions only and still developed PFS symptoms. Finasteride; adverse events; alopecia; benign prostate hyperplasia; dutasteride; erectile disorder; libido; post-finasteride syndrome. THC has been shown to increase brain pregnenolone, but this study shows that cannabis users have higher pregnanolone (a 5-metabolite) and lower allopregnanolone (a 5-metabolite) (, Get lots of sunlight, especially in the morning. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. The aforementioned 2017 study published in PeerJ (Persistent erectile dysfunction in men exposed to the 5-reductase inhibitors finasteride or dutasteride) also found that the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were a risk factor for developing PED with the use of finasteride for hair loss. Good hypothesis! You might thus benefit from things that stimulate bile flow such as taurine and TUDCA. A: Most likely, yes. So far I tread Clomid and nolvadex cycles but I only had one day where libido returned, rest of time didnt feel anything good or bad when on it. If you stop with fin, then DHT should be back to normal in about 1-2 weeks (tissue binding lasts 4-5 days). Do explosive exercises, such as uphill sprints, muscle-ups, jump squats, burpees, etc. Now, this doesnt mean that finasteride itself cant cause side effects. My goal is to get off Trazodone as quickly as possible, any recomendationsto further aid with insomnia ? Finally, another way to treat male pattern baldness without using finasteride is via hair transplant surgery. Separately, Sage Therapeutics has allopregnanolone and allopregnanolone analogue products that are currently in trials for various indications, including major depressive disorder and insomnia. Any other advice that would help is greatly appreciated. Persistent sexual side effects of finasteride: could they be permanent? Here are a few good ways to increase dopamine: For more a comprehensive guide on boosting dopamine, check out this article: If dopamine is low, then prolactin will most likely be high. A: In the Resources section of the PFS Foundation website, we have a page called Medical Professionals. I would appreciate some specific help if you could get back to me. Muscle pain After all, if the long-term side effects of finasteride are potentially much worse than going bald, why use it in the first place? I definitely feel ten years younger!, In just as little over two and half months, I can really see the difference in thickness and in color., 4-months strong and my confidence boosted back up to 100% using Hims, future me really does thank me., Im a 34 year old father of two and have been using Hims for over a year now. If youre concerned about post-finasteride syndrome, sexual symptoms or other side effects, its important to discuss them with your healthcare provider before using finasteride. Could this cause any bad results that you can think of? Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) is a constellation of serious adverse side effects manifested in clinical symptoms that develop and persist in patients during and/or after discontinuing finasteride treatment in men with pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Can you recommend one? To build your sollar callus first by getting lots of red/infrared over your skin during low UV hours (early AM and late PM). I will start Progesterone cream with tongkat ali soon. 2022 Oct 27;10(11):2725. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10112725. If I can increase my DHT levels again by upping my TRT and take an estrogen blocker (blood levels were elevated) with regular workouts how long do you think it would take to return to normal? For example, during the second, third and fourth years of the trial, 5.1 percent of men who used finasteride 5mg reported experiencing erectile dysfunction. Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) is a constellation of serious adverse side effects manifested in clinical symptoms that develop and persist in patients during and/or after discontinuing finasteride treatment in men with pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) or benign prostatic hyperplasia. The best way to connect with these patients is to participate in our Patient Support program. Practo Plus. These serious adverse side effects include persistent or irreversible sexual, neurological, physical and mental side effects. Overall, although there are lots of incidental reports of post-finasteride syndrome online and in popular media, there isnt very much in the way of high quality scientific evidence to support its existence, at least not like there is for other medical conditions. If youve already done blood tests and want to learn how to interpret them, check out these articles: If DHT is high, then you dont have to focus on boosting DHT, but maybe rather allopregnanolone through increasing 5-AR type 1. It scrambles your hormones, libido and cognition all over the place, right into the gutters, and leaves you feeling like an empty dysfunctional husk. Also I jumped the gun on TRT out of frustration and desperation. Q16: I know there are currently no effective treatments for PFS, but can you recommend any special diet, exercise regimen, etc., that might help? Photo courtesy of There are[], Photo courtesy of the NIH I have cared for, and[]. No one informed me this could be a risk! The first of these is the nocebo effect. WebFinasteride has been used to shrink prostate and prevent male pattern baldness. Prolactin is a bugger when it comes to mood and cognitive function. Im with my mum at the moment shes on a couple of acres so decent amount of space to move about! I suggest you see an expert for internal workup, we do this frequently in our practice. Overall, men who take finasteride for at least 205 days are nearly five times more likely to develop PED than men who take it for less than 205 days. If I do, could I develop PFS after stopping? Thanks in advance. less*, without hair) is Reddit's most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Best, Dr. Emer. There are some nice recovery stories on TR. Brain fog Sexual functioning is returning to some extent. 2022 Oct 26;12(11):1567. doi: 10.3390/biom12111567. Berrima in the Southern Highlands in NSW, its a beautiful area. Before/after images shared by customers who have purchased varying products, including prescription based products. However, it can shift hair follicles into the anagen, or growth, phase of the hair growth cycle, which stimulates growth. Simultaneously, we monitor FDA trials for potentially promising products in clinical development. The same goes for all clinicians. According to the Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation thats dedicated to raising funds for research into post-finasteride syndrome, men with post-finasteride syndrome have reported the following physical symptoms: Sexual dysfunction, including a decreased sex drive or complete loss of libido, Loss of morning wood and spontaneous erections, Peyronie's disease (growth of scar tissue in the penis), Sexual anhedonia, or loss of pleasure from sexual stimulation and/or arousal, Ejaculation disorders, such as reduced ejaculatory volume and force, Gynecomastia, or male breast growth and sensitivity, Chronic fatigue and lack of energy and enthusiasm, Muscle pain, weakness, cramps, stiffness and twitching, Rhabdomyolysis (rapid breakdown of damaged or injured skeletal muscle), Dry, thinning skin and decreased production of sebum (an oily substance that products your skin), Melasma (a skin condition that involves patches of dark, discolored skin), Lipoatrophy (loss of fat tissue in specific areas of the body), Increased body mass index (BMI) and fat deposition, Reduced HDL cholesterol levels, raised triglycerides and fasting glucose, Increased rheumatoid factor (proteins produced by the immune system), Optic neuropathy (damage to the optic nerve inside the eyes), Ocular toxicity (drug-induced damage to the eyes). What kind of doctor would be willing to help with something like this? 2012 Nov;9(11):2927-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02846.x. Im starting to find websites like yours with good advice. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. What can I do? At first glance, this may look concerning. Generic for Rogaine, this FDA-approved over-the-counter version of topical minoxidil is used for regrowth on the crown of the head. It is a severely underrated and misunderstood drug. Acta Derm Venereol. My sides are: Whats certain is that a subset of men who take finasteride develop PFS. Glycine, Agmatine, and Pregnenolone can also help increase ALLO. PMC However, the PFS Foundation strongly discourages the use of finasteride for hair loss by anyone. A: None of the studies being sponsored by the PFS Foundation currently are actively recruiting patients. But future studies may involve patient testing. Sexual Problems of Men With Androgenic Alopecia Treated With 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors. Oral testosterone: Hows the best way to take it? I'm a PFS sufferer that has been doing the HCG protocol for only a week now and seeing/feeling amazing benefits already. WebPost-finasteride syndrome (PFS) describes persistent sexual, neurological, physical and mental adverse reactions in patients who have taken finasteride, a 5-alpha reductase type II enzyme inhibitor used to treat hair loss (under the brand name Propecia or generics) or enlarged prostate (Proscar or generics). All these factors would indicate that tapering off finasteride offers no advantage compared to abruptly stopping the drug. Rzeszotek S, Kolasa A, Pilutin A, Misiakiewicz-Has K, Sielatycka K, Wiszniewska B. Biomedicines. No one knows for sure. This would suggest that tapering might be a safer approach. Disproportionality analysis based on both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) pharmacovigilance databases. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Q10: When I sought treatment for PFS from my doctor, all he did was prescribe antidepressants. Sex Med Rev. i been suffering for close to a year from just 3 weeks of usage. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Also I dont know how the Sun in Australia would affect you differently maybe the ozone layer there would filter less UV and you gotta take that into account Im sure that has been said somewhere by JK. Im 3 weeks off cold turkey. Disclaimer. But we hope that in the coming years, clinical research will demonstrate precisely that. Perhaps you mean hgh ? MeSH If you have a northern European haplotype with a bad SNP profile and you get no or limited sunlight = no sulfated vitamin D3 = altered estradiol = altered testosterone = no progesterone = dehydration due to poor mitochondrial flux = no sex drive = no sex = no oxytocin = Tensegrity 7 blog. 2019 Apr;7(2):277-282. doi: 10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.07.003. Thanks for reaching out. If cortisol is low in blood tests, then you can focus on increasing that, but if cortisol is low in saliva tests but high in blood tests, focus on calming the adrenals. You do think that these hypothetical damages can be reversed ? WebMain outcome measures: Neuroactive steroid levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of postfinasteride patients and healthy controls. Finasteride binds to 5-R type 2 with high affinity and dissociates very slowly with a half-life of 31 days. A second factor that may explain the symptoms of post-finasteride syndrome is existing mental illness. I have another friend ready to start and I'm excited for his recovery next. PEA has been studied in 40 clinical trials involving 6000 subjects over the years and has shown a quite favorable risk/benefit ratio. (Needless to say, those professionals dont cover the entire world, which is why were always looking for more. This improvement was blocked by finasteride, which blocks the synthesis of allopregnanolone. My biggest issue is low/no libido. Currently, finasteride is the most effective option available for treating hair loss. Borgo F, Macandog AD, Diviccaro S, Falvo E, Giatti S, Cavaletti G, Melcangi RC. A: At the moment, theres no known test for determining whether any finasteride patient will develop PFS. In general, side effects from finasteride are rare, with only a small percentage of men affected at the typical finasteride dosage used to treat hair loss. Id love to help you out. That, according to 2013 study published in the American Society for Reproductive Medicines Fertility and Sterility journal, titled Finasteride use in the male infertility population: effects on semen and hormone parameters. (It is not known if PED in that subset ever subsided, or persisted.) Our Support staff will manually approve your account within 24 hours, and you will get a notification. Hey Peterson, I wanted to talk about my 2 year battle with Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS), in hopes of helping anyone who is going through what This is a great video Ive shared many times over many HRT forums. You are good person for sharing this. Some people actually report dramatic improvements in their symptoms after starting a certain SSRI. Finasteride binds to 5-R type 2 with high affinity and dissociates very slowly with a half-life of 31 days. Furthermore, finasteride inhibits CYP3A4 (which is the enzymes that detox finasteride) and that can cause a significant buildup of finasteride in the body over time. Topical finasteride works at the scalp level rather than systemically, and research suggests its effective at treating hair loss. Do not use for customer service inquires. Post-finasteride syndrome: a surmountable challenge for clinicians. Careers. Copyright 2019 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Like all medications, finasteride can cause side effects. WebWhen we established the PFS Foundation in 2012, our mission was simple: to facilitate research on the characterization, the underlying biologic mechanisms, and potential treatments of post-finasteride syndrome. Scary just how much of an adverse affect nnEMFs have. For symptoms other than PED, no similar statistical analyses involving critical masses of patient records have yet been published. You can send me an email at with your labs (and any addition info you might deem relevant) so I can take a look. However, it does raise questions about the theory that finasteride has the potential to cause lasting, long-term, severe side effects. Additional side effects of finasteride include: A low DHT state can lead to low dopamine (R), high estrogen (R), high prolactin (due to reduced dopamine), high cortisol (due to reduced clearance) (R), elevated serotonin (due to elevated estrogen and lower dopamine) and hypothyroidism (R). ). Ive read about him saying this is pro-fat metabolism and Haidut has an article on how hCG is considered a marker for cancer when it is in fact a promotor of cancer in itself because it trigger cell growth. -DECREASED OR NO LIBIDO -DECREASED SEMEN VOLUME LOSS OF AM ERECTIONS MASA Traditional Tortilla Chips by Ancient Crunch, Vitamins, Minerals & Amino Acid Supplements, Enhanced stimulation of 5 alpha-reductase activity in cultured Leydig cell precursors by human chorionic gonadotropin. Outcomes after discontinuation of finasteride Dysfunctions (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Huh? Support inquiries will not be addressed. 2022 Hims & Hers Health, Inc. All rights reserved. JavaScript is disabled. I havent seen any reports of hcg triggering cell growth. We require a human profile pic upon registration on this forum. In the near future oral allopregnanolone analogs will be available to use in attempting to treat PFS patients. Can you help me? Based on the existing body of evidence in the contemporary clinical literature, the author believes that finasteride and dutasteride induce a constellation of persistent sexual, neurological and physical adverse side effects, in a subset of men. Accessibility 2023 Feb 2;12(3):653. doi: 10.3390/plants12030653. HCG increased my anxiety. Replacing testosterone helps recover the DHT receptors and is the only treatment known. Androsterone worked wonders for me. The site is secure. In other words, the biological and transmitted securely. 2022 Oct;10(5):100543. doi: 10.1016/j.esxm.2022.100543. In mouse models PEA increased brain allopregnanolone levels and reduced anxiety-like and depression-like behaviors. Male pattern baldness develops when DHT binds to receptors in the scalp and causes the hair follicles to miniaturize. Well, SSRI drugs almost never only inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, but they often also increase allopregnanolone, decrease serotonin receptor sensitivity, block certain serotonin receptors, release dopamine and histamine, etc. Here are a few things you can do: Finasteride binds to 5-R type 2 with high affinity and dissociates very slowly with a half-life of 31 days. Ive made a 80% recovery so far and I keep improving however your hypothesis is quite scary. Please note that the PFS Foundation is not a medical organization and, as such, does not offer medical advice. You can argue with the theoretician but you cant argue with the anecdotal stories of successful recovery. The treatment consists of taking large doses of B6 and Zinc, along with a few antioxidants. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. WebFinasteride is a 5-reductase enzyme inhibitor that has been approved for the treatment of male androgenic alopecia since 1997. Although a very small percentage of men claim to develop post-finasteride syndrome symptoms after taking finasteride, PFS isnt officially recognized by most of the medical community. The men that received the placebo reported similar side effects: 3.7 percent of men who received the placebo reported erectile dysfunction, 3.4 percent of men who received the placebo reported decreased libido, 0.8 percent of men who received the placebo reported decreased ejaculatory volume. So thankful to have found this article. Researchers have found low levels of neurosteroids, including allopregnanolone, in the cerebrospinal fluid of post-finasteride syndrome patients. Some people get results, but often only 1 steroid isnt enough. Before Acta Derm Venereol. Although the symptoms of post-finasteride syndrome are alarming, its important to keep in mind that they are incredibly rare, even in long-term finasteride users. In other words, the biological effects of finasteride ensure a relatively slow tapering of the drug effect over about 30 to 60 days, even if you stop the drug cold turkey. In some cases, there was no difference in side effect rates between the two treatments. - PubMed - NCBI, Penile Growth in Response to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Treatment in Patients with Idiopathic Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism, Low-Dose Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Maintains Intratesticular Testosterone in Normal Men with Testosterone-Induced Gonadotropin Suppression, Elevated ESR and hCG levels are strong predictors of impending cancer diagnosis To Extract Knowledge from Matter, Thoughts On 5ar And Post Finasteride Syndrome, Post Finasteride Syndrome And Low Insuline, Post Finasteride Sydrome - Neuropathic Pain, Low-Dose HCG Maintains Intratesticular T In Normal Men With T-Induced Gonadotropin Suppression, DHT And Reversing Androgen-receptor Deficiency, Elevated ESR And HCG Levels Are Strong Predictors Of Impending Cancer Diagnosis, Post Finasteride Sydnrome, And The 5ar1 And 2 Isoenzymes, Post Finasteride/ High Cortisol/ Low Gaba. Q20: Im a PFS patient and Id like to do my part for PFS research by participating in a clinical study on the condition. Over the long term, the differences in side effect rate between the men who received finasteride and the men who received the placebo became significantly smaller. Physical improvements down below as well. Discussion in 'My Optimal Journal' started by JPB, Dec 31, 2018. This condition, termed post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) is characterized by sexual side effects (i.e., low libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased arousal and difficulty in 5-R type 1, which creates the neurosteroids 5-DHP and allopregnanolone downregulate the glutamatergic system. Cheers. Do tests to see pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, DHT, thyroid (TSH, total and free T4 and T3, rT3), estradiol, estrone-sulfate and cortisol (both blood and 24h saliva). What do you think about proviron and other DHT derived steroids? Increasing carbon dioxide production. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Should I stop taking the drug cold turkey, or gradually taper off it? In 2013, Swiss pharmaceutical company Polichem SA conducted a study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology and titled Single and repeated dose of finasteride topical solution in subjects with androgenetic alopecia, which showed that topical finasteride is absorbed and lowers serum DHT levels almost to the same degree as the oral medication. I find this amazing article. I have to recommend Hims to any guy whos experiencing thinning., Cost effective and affordable. Hi man, what have you done so far that helped you to 80% recovery? For doctors. PFS occurs in susceptible individuals even after small doses of the drug and can last for a long time after the discontinuation of treatment. Among those are more than 6,100 reproductive disorders, 4,100 psychiatric disorders, 3,400 nervous system disorders and 3,100 skin disorders. 2019 Jan 1;99(1):12-17. doi: 10.2340/00015555-3035. Q13: I understand we dont know which is riskier, quitting finasteride or staying on it, but I still want to quit. I think androsterone and allopregnanolone, or topical DHEA and progesterone would be good options. Results: At the examination, the three postfinasteride patients reported muscular stiffness, cramps, tremors, and chronic fatigue in the absence of clinical evidence of any muscular disorder or strength reduction. FOIA It just means that you might have to implement certain strategies and use certain supplements for quite some time before the enzymes normalize. You may need to have multiple procedures if your hair loss worsens. Methods. Still, anyone interested in absolute numbers of reported PFS symptoms should review the World Health Organizations VigiBase database of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), which currently contains more than 18,000 finasteride ADRs. (Her story begins around 16:10.). What few people know is that there are 5-R and 3 types of 5-R enzymes and that theyre not only involved in the conversion of testosterone to DHT, but also in the: Many of the benefits of testosterone, such as enhanced insulin sensitivity, reduced catabolism, higher dopamine, increased thyroid hormone production, are mediated by DHT, and blocking DHT production prevents those effects/benefits. I tried an illegal drug that increases dopamine and all of my issues went away briefly, so i think dopamine is a big piece of the puzzle here, especially with penis sensitivity. Medications Most Commonly Associated With Erectile Dysfunction: Evaluation of the Food and Drug Administration National Pharmacovigilance Database. An observational retrospective evaluation of 79 young men with long-term adverse effects after use of finasteride against androgenetic alopecia. You definitely want high dopamine and low serotonin to optimize cognition and mindset. shrink penis. Post-finasteride syndrome is a term thats used to refer to a range of symptoms associated with the use of finasteride as a treatment for hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia. We discourage the prescribing of finasteride for hair loss by any physician. Epub 2018 Oct 6. Topical TRT will increase DHT even more. If prolactin is high, dopamine is most likely low and serotonin elevated, so then it would be good to focus on lowering prolactin. My hypothesis is that finasteride can cause brain damage which needs to be reversed. Thanks for the positive feedback and Im glad its helpful.
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