Veterans and their advocates are also encouraged to build bridges especially to the spiritual community, which is increasingly concerned and sympathetic to the veterans plight and moral injury. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. I am not aware of many Vietnam vets who were not subjected to some disrespect, either personal or from the culture that called us "baby killers." Few could have anticipated the duration and cost of this commitment. For many of these veteranssome of whom may already suffer from post-traumatic stress (PTSD)the guilt, shame, anger and isolation they suffer compound psychological trauma related to their war experiences. The baby boomer generation grew up in the world of the 1950s, a world of duck and cover drills in schools in preparation for a nuclear attack, of reminders of the threat posed by Soviet and Chinese Communism, of the fear of the near-inevitability of war, and of their obligation to serve in this war. But always that nagging question, why do I hurt like this?. As a matter of fact, the most successful songs I have written outside of Operation Song In other words for the country music market, have been based on real life stories that happened to me or people I know, so when every song that you write, as in the Operation Song program, is based on a real life story, there is always meat on the bone, and substance to work with. ", "The perception was that you were either mentally unstable, or you were on some kind of a drug," Louis Vlahakes, NJ Vietnam Veterans Memorial Trustee recounted, "and that was the beginning of the acknowledgment of what society had expected when we came home.". The number of personnel that are considered to be Vietnam era Veterans, those that served during the Vietnam War but NOT in-country are 9,087,000. Partially because the Vietnam war saw far more coverage of war crimes committed by americans than other wars, for example, see the massacres of My Lai and My Khe when a company of US infantrymen killed, raped and mutilated their way through over 500 people (according to the vietnamese government, american sources claim 347 total dead and wounded but only account for the actions committed in My Lai.). To the average U.S. soldier, it was very difficult to distinguish between who was a civilain try to eck out an existence and a Viet Cong rebel. Other spitting incidents were reported by Pulitzer Prize winners Max Frankel in the New York Times (November 1969) and Carl Bernstein in the Washington Post (May 1970). U.S. Army Sgt. Its not that there Vietnam War was more horrific than other modern wars, but it was filtered far less effectively which stopped civilians from maintaining our willful blindness to its effects. It's myth, like most myths, that's gained traction through incessant repetition powered by Vietnam veterans own guilt and shame over what they did in Vietnam, their failure to win that was seen as so shameful by the American public and an attempt to bury the facts of the US armed forces' collapsing morale at the end of the war. Another topic covered wasBack in the World. The following In the modern sense, we have a volunteer force. Russian Forces strike Ukrainian Armys Electronic Intelligence Center in Kiev Region. Lembcke is an avowed socialist and has tried to use incomplete or dishonest research to lend credence to his government-as-pro-war conspiracy theories, to use the 9-million-plus Vietnam-era veterans as anti-war pawns. One example: A 1967 Bucks County Courier Times article reporting that two sailors were spat on outside a high school football game by a gang of about 10 young men. David: I can tell you this about my time with Operation Song, which I believe has been about seven or eight years at this point. I do not wish to have my record of service dishonored again. I'm just a little skeptical as why would people attack random enlisted men when there's a draft? It was a direct result of the 1945 Yalta Conference, where Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill agreed to abandon the Vietnamese (who had helped defeat the Japanese in World War II) and give all of Indo-China back to the French. Many Vietnam Veterans, including this writer, tried college but the anti-Vietnam Veteran attitude that prevailed at that time on college campus made many of us turn on backs on higher education. If other soldiers in on other wars killed children, the fault in calling only Vietnam vets The accepted number of Vietnam Veterans that served are between 2.7 million and 3.3 million men who also includes about 10,000 women. She said many veterans also described feeling guilt and shame about their experiences, while others felt numb after being exposed to so much killing and death in combat. Killing in war often triggers a moral conflict in veterans that can damage their self-image, relationships and spirituality, according to a study by UCSF researchers at the UCSF-affiliated San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Depending on what year is considered the beginning of the Vietnam War, 1959, 1961, 1965, history tells us the escalation of the war began in 1965 with a major building up of American forces that lasted until 1968. An overwhelming majority of Vietnam veterans served honorably and bravely. WebA persistent but unfounded criticism leveled against those who protested the United States’s involvement in the Vietnam War is that protesters spat upon You were filled with painful memories from the things you had to see, While we honor todays veterans, we can honor Vietnam veterans as well by following their example as great Americans to help those who deserve to live with dignity and respect and in freedom. And David Sirota is wrong about the history and policies of that war and about the treatment of returning military men and women ("The myth of the spat-upon war veteran," June 8). I've always suspected that the spitting and the "baby killer" insult (re: the movie 'Rambo', for instance) were largely myth, although I would guess that a few incidents must have occurred. Its genesis was a controversial newspaper column of 20 July 1987 in which Chicago Tribune syndicated columnist Bob Greene asked whether there was any truth to the folklore that Vietnam veterans had been spat upon when they returned from the war zone. The message of the poster was that American soldiers were killing babies in Vietnam, and therefore that the war was immoral. Written in Collaboration with Operation Song Writer David Kent and the Operation Song Alumni. In 1968, the chant from protesters was Hey, hey, L.B.J. Also, even though several decades had passed since the war in Vietnam and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, there were still some Vietnam Veterans fighting in those wars and serving their country. According to cultural historian M. All Rights Reserved - 2023. Some Gave All. Bipartisan. As the war in Afghanistan was fought and those Americans that were fighting started returning home, Vietnam Veterans were clearly visible in the groups of individuals wanting to thank our dedicated and loyal troops at the airports. WebThe "baby killer" epithet was pretty unfair, since it was based on the actions of a few: the Mai Lai Massacre, plus things like carpet bombing and napalm bombing, which was ordered by a relative few higher ranking officers, and for which the pilots & crew were not responsible (they had no way of knowing who they were bombing). The myth is also wielded as a cudgel to browbeat anti-war public opinion with shouts of "support the troops!" The baby boomers who were of military age and eligible to serve in Vietnam, but chose to protest and disrespect Vietnam Veterans, never wanted to be associated with the patriotic and brave men and women who chose to serve. We were not honored, but were treated as the face of an unpopular war. I believe it just fit the narrative, especially since the Vietnam War was the first war where the press was able to come and go. They were not a band of rebellious fraggers assassinating their officers or marauding killers piling up body counts of the innocent in a haze of marijuana smoke. We need to remember that it was the South Vietnamese government that lost their war, not the much-maligned American soldier. Thanking veterans for their service today does not absolve us of our guilt and we can ", President Donald Trump bestows the nation's highest military honor, the Medal of Honor to retired Army medic James McCloughan during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, July 31, 2017. It was a time of fear, but also an era of national confidence and of individual obligation. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. It was the echo of that call, just a few years later, that motivated hundreds of thousands of young men to enlist for Vietnam, for the chance to ensure the success of liberty and many others back home, at least at the outset, to support the fighting. This war, led by many Vietnam Veteran Commanders and NCOs (Non-Commissioned Officers), further brought respect and admiration to all Vietnam Veterans. On the other hand, what remains a common trait of veterans of both wars is their desire to help those left behind. Legal Statement. More people probably knew Lt. William Calley, the man in charge at My Lai, than knew the name of any other combat officer who served in Vietnam. Covert Operations In Vietnam: The Incomplete History of US-Norway Collaboration. Greene believed the tale was an urban legend. In 1965, when President Lyndon Johnson sent in ground combat troops, there was criticism and dissent, but the dominant image was of young Americans taking a stand in the jungle, a heady sense of Americans defending the free world.. Did they not also kill women and children? America was seeing so many casualties in a conflict that most Starring Tom Selleck. Furthermore, the Kent State shootings in May 1970. I did what everybody else did. I am not aware of many Other wars were identical, however, no one knew the carnage and damage of Allied bombers to French and German Civilians- AKA no one cared. just for you. For more information about CERTIFICATION with NVBDC. Sergeant Major El Sar is now the Command Chaplain Sergeant Major for the U.S. Army Japan. Who is Jason crabb mother and where is she? The atrocities being committed by both sides were widely publicised, and this led to a lot of anger at home, hence the "baby killing" term and the anger at the vets. Welcome home from Vietnamwere so thankful for the sacrifice you made But even those who came home in one piece were met with trauma some were spit upon, yelled at or called "baby killers." Was the baby killer thing widespread or was it only a couple incidents? Most citizens now respect Vietnam Veterans in America. Due to high publicity from television coverage. Technology. Soldiers came They described how they felt after killing in combat and some opened up about hidden agonies. In his purported study, Lembcke's sampling was not random, it was statistically insignificant, and he stated that stories of spitting first surfaced in the 1980s. The journalist Philip Caputo was a young Marine officer who went ashore with the first American combat units in Vietnam, in 1965. WebShare 120 views 11 months ago Vietnam Veteran Sergeant Romo describes the unfortunate event of civilians calling him "Baby Killer." Many probably never served a day in a military uniform, and who knows, some of them might have been the anti-war protesters, draft dodgers and others that met returning Vietnam Veterans with garbage, dog feces and urine and other foreign objects, not to mention words of hate. A persistent but unfounded criticism leveled against those who protested the United States’s involvement in the Vietnam War is that protesters spat upon and otherwise derided returning soldiers, calling them baby-killers, etc. in '68 came the My Lai massacre spit on troops coming home and call them baby killers. In the Korean War and earlier, western governments were effective at controlling film reels and showing only the message that they wanted to promote back home. So, welcome home from Vietnam yeah, welcome home Their Impact of Killing (IOK) treatment program emphasizes self-forgiveness and helping veterans make amends, heal relationships, plan for their future and move forward. Montana-Class Battleships Would Have Been Powerhouses, Nitro Express: Worlds Most Expensive Bullet ($149 a Round? The biggest factor, as far as I can tell, was television. For More Information: These WANNABES did not want to be Vietnam Veterans when we went off to war and turned our homecoming into a lifes event that will never leave us. Their favorite song was the Animals recording of We Gotta Get Out of This Place. But when they did get out, their homecoming was often difficult and lonely. How did the US citizens view In Minnesota and across the nation, executives are grappling with alarming operating losses. You kind of like to in the back of your head and hope it would go away. Many American soldiers were exposed to Agent Orange and other chemicals during their time in Vietnam. In October 1967, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter James Reston's front page article in the New York Times described his eyewitness account of protest behavior so vulgar that spitting was the least of the transgressions. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a charge to any veteran or family member for our services. Thirty three veterans gave interviews on various topics relating to Vietnam including: basic training, the trip to Vietnam, being in the field, helicopter and aircraft stories, support groups, the Vietnamese, and their general thoughts on the war and the country. I don't believe the use if Agent Orange was widespread knowledge during time, not that it was a secret. Even Medal of Honor recipients were abused and "spat upon as 'monsters'," according to the head of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, WWII medalist Thomas J. Kelly. WebBut, unlike their Nazi counterparts, U.S. soldiers could be redeemed: By confessing atrocities, the Vietnam veterans, once denigrated as "baby killers," were able to Why was america’s policy of containment a failure in vietnam? The episode release comes as Fox Nation dedicates November's content to honoring those who've served as part of the platform's "Patriots Month" initiative in commemoration of Veterans Day. This term is a derogatory remark to Vietnam Welcome home from Vietnam As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Thanks! Veterans Radio: Thank you David for your service to our veteran community. Yael Halon is a reporter for Fox News Digital. What happened in the workplace when the soldiers returned home? I joined the Air Force in 76 and was stationed just outside San Francisco. WebI know more than a handful of military veterans, both family members and dear friends who were called baby killers, rapists and murders. The chaotic and tragic end to both wars has much in common. This left little room in the Vietnam narrative for stories of courage and sacrifice. It is our honor to serve those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Why were people angry about the Vietnam War memorial? Learn about UCSFs response to the coronavirus outbreak, important updates on campus safety precautions, and the latest policies and guidance on our COVID-19 resource website. Their leaders did not, although they were seldom honest about this. Like most Veterans of any war, Vietnam Veterans had their share of traumatic memories they could not leave behind, but these men and women that served and fought in South Vietnam also had to fight a war with their countrys conscience when they returned home to the United States. The study was based on focus group and individual interviews with 26 war veterans who had killed or believed that their combat actions caused the death of others. Webhow Vietnam veterans were treated upon their return home, several did detailed that experience, reporting disturbing opinions regarding the activities of the anti-war movement as early as 1967. Many Americans blamed Vietnam Veterans for the loss of the war even though all the main American combat forces had been brought home as of March 1973. When Vietnam veterans were called baby killers and spit on upon returning home why didn't they hit the people doing it? WebTwenty-one-year-old Steven A. Wowwk arrived as an infantryman in the Armys First Cavalry Division in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in early January 1969 to fight in an escalating and As Americans turned against the war, as political leaders danced around the subject, these young men and women slogged through it. The researchers urged the public and health care workers to allow veterans to express themselves to help them work through these conflicts. Short- and long-term remedies are essential. This along with the use of napalm that probably also pushed the negative public image.Compare that with the heavily directed media coverage of the Gulf war 1991. WebVietnam veterans recall being 'spit at,' labeled 'baby killers and drug addicts' upon return home It was the return home that left many Vietnam veterans feeling wounded and A major difference between Vietnam and Afghanistan is the treatment of veterans at the end of war. As time went by, other conflicts and wars involving America took place, and young men and women from those battles and hostilities began returning home. Because they had to endure so much pain and even felt abandoned by the their own people and country, more than 100,000 Vietnam veterans (the actual number would be even much higher) committed suicide after the war, which is nearly two times the number of soldiers had died in Vietnam. And for those who serve, the memories endure long after the fighting stops. This song was a group write, along with the very accomplished Nashville songwriter, David Kent. Nick Wilson, Chief Revenue Officer , for Legion Logistics talks with host Jim Fausone about the company, its veteran owner and why NVBDC certification as a veteran owned business was so important to Legion and the power of NVBDC networking. This show, for the first time, featured a Vietnam Veteran in a positive manner, and not as the typical drug-crazed lunatic, or the psychotic killer the left wing liberals of Hollywood seemed to relish portraying up until this time. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He and his family escaped from Cambodia after surviving the Killings Fields and refugee camps in Cambodia and Thailand. Maguens earlier researchsupported by the Veterans Health Research Institute-NCIREhas linked killing in combat with PTSD, depression and suicide. Theirs was the Apocalypse Now war. ------------------------------------------------------------ Of course there was anti-war press there that did everything to denounce the war and call our soldiers murders and baby killers, which of course the hippies ate it up on the tv and news and it spread like fire. About 17,000 soldiers remain unaccounted for today and remain listed as missing in action. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. He is the editor of Small Wars Journal and a non-resident senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). My dad was a vet during the war, but was always stationed in the US. At his inauguration in January 1961, President John Kennedy said, Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.. Ukraine War Anniversary: UN and China Work for Peace, Devilish Zelensky, Kiev Hid Its Dead Soldiers in the Ravines. Conners decked him. Made us question why we ever joined the fight But we took it out on you, and now its time to make things right V1: On the TV, in the papers, you were treated so unfair You got blamed for Vietnam instead of the ones who sent you there Some folks called you baby killers, called you monsters and worse Civilians, including mental health professionals, have an opportunity and an obligation to better understand veterans experiences and to join them in confronting difficult truths about the violence of war, its meaning and its consequences, they stated in the paper. The only reason to not accuse a person of a misdeed is lack of evidence that person committed that misdeed. There are myriad veteran organizations committed to helping refugees just as their Vietnam veteran brothers and sisters did and continue to do today. As Americans, we have a collective guilt over the way our Vietnam veterans were treated. Although such incidents were rare, the stories were often repeated among This younger generation started to say, thank you to the Vietnam Veterans in their community, and that helped to enhance the image of the Vietnam Veteran that was maligned and lied about by those from their generation that did not want to Below is an area where you can rate this program on a 5-star rating system. Editorial Guidelines and Publishing Standards. Commenting on these feelings, one veteran said, Getting close to peoplebeen a big issue forcaused me to get a divorce, the agitation, irritability through all those years and not really talking to my ex-wife or kids at that time.. More baby boomers died in Vietnam than went to Canada or to prison for refusing to serve. Vietnam ended up divided. However, a major difference is that there was no decent interval between the declaration of the end of the war and the collapse of the military and government in Afghanistan. Often when in public, they are thanked by individuals for their service. Joe has spoken at high schools and colleges for 25 years about PTSD, war and how not to treat returning veterans when they come home to America after fighting for their country. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. "Corporate America wouldn't hire us. Despite Sirota's contentions, Vietnam vets were a bit crushed coming home. Magnum, P.I. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. It was shameful, it was ugly, it was rude thought we had no business being in to start with. It's not like they had a choice to even join. Press J to jump to the feed. Maybe I am not seeing the entire picture here, and only what my stepfather, a Vietnam vet, has told me. A later publication that did specifically focus on what greeted returning Vietnam veterans is. Although more than 50% of the songs I have written, you could call country, in style, I have also done rock numbers, blues numbers, bossa nova, and one big band Andrew Sisters style song which we produced with a full horn section and three female singers. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Most importantly, today she is a key member of Shona ba Shona, an organization dedicated to helping Afghans escape to safety. You can listen to her describe her life and work with the 12th Sergeant Major of the Army, Jack Tilley, on his Your Mission Continues podcast. She and fellow veteran and founder of Shona ba Shona, Jason Ghormley, describe their experiences and the work they are doing to help Afghan refugees.
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