Rating: NC-17 Diary of a Battered Child* Poison Prince*, sequel to A Wish for Something More (Snarry) Author: Minxie Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Author: corruptfiction Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Summary: Harry asks for clemency for the Malfoys, and what does he get? Warnings: non con, underage, violence * Author: imera Oh, does he get it! Rating: R Rating: NC-17 But this very man will marry another one. Summary: No summary provided. Voldemort can think of a use for a phoenix too. Warnings: mpreg, dubcon, OOC Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Two Death Eaters are going to save him and give him back the will to live and fight. Author: vlredreign Rating: NC-17 Dressing Up Author: amanuensis Draco wants Severus, and will do whatever it takes to get him. Fortunately hes not alone in this. Summary: No summary provided. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, threesome Author: Annika von Rammstein Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: BDSM, dark!Harry Author: Gravitys_Child Fancy Time with the Beautiful People? All Was Well* Author: crazypotterfan24 Rating: NC-17 Author: Minxie Summary: Harry is a werewolf. Author: Lillian Warnings: darkfic, dubcon Summary: to Live: V (1) to be alive; (2) to continue alive; (3) to occupy a home; (4) to remain in human memory or record. Becoming Undone But when he is sent to the Malfoy Manor, will the presence of an ex schoolmate be enough to shift his loyalties? Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Now all he has to do is change sides. When Sirius shows up, many things are resolved. Summary: No summary provided. Author: Scifinerd92 Saints and Sinners The boy who lived is welcomed into the dark fold. Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: Veritas (moltensulfur) Not Only In His Dreams Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: minor character death, violence Lucius thinks Harry ought to spend more time with him. Author: Lomonaaeren Summary: Harry and Lucius have an accident that forces them to bond. Rating: R Author: softlysweetly Eulogies He didnt want to burden his family, now free of the darkness of his decisions, and he wouldnt be welcomed by a world he had done such harm to. Warnings: AU To Lucius Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 Warnings: BDSM, threesome Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucious, Harry/Bill Eight Months and Forever* Summary: His lovers kicks him out and he loses their child, but in time times will be okay. Rating: PG-13 Pre-slash. Author: Speedy Tomato AO3, Sleepwalking with the Damned* Summary: Lucius is unexpectedly sympathetic when Harry discovers that Grimmauld Place has burned to the ground. Rating: R Rating: PG-13 It does not help when Lucius drags him into a street of pleasure and sin. Author: FairyNiamh Sympathy The dress he wore was black and soft, and short enough that his thighs were bare despite the long, black stockings that wrapped around his legs. Summary: Harry feels lost. Summary: Going to Malfoy Manor, Harry fully expected to have his brains fucked out by Draco. Warnings: incest, Polyjuice, violence, character death Rating: M Rating: R Warnings: incest, mpreg, non con, gender issues Summary: The things that the Boy-Who-Lived will willingly do for the greater good never fails to boggle those around him . Summary: In the final battle Harry loses his lover, Lucius and is torn. The Forest Whispers Secrets Left Untold Rating: T Far Behind Me Summary: This fic is part of the Beloved Enemies Harry/Lucius Fuh-Q-Fest. Author: Jessarie Summary: The bed was huge, decadent to the point of being obscene, covered in black comforters of velvet, silken sheets ethereal white. Warnings: AU Warnings: dub con Summary: Lucius Malfoy is missing only one piece in his most prized collection. Lucius is happy to take advantage, AO3** | LJ | Chinese translation | Italian translation | Italian translation 2**. Summary:As Midsummer approaches, Harry has to decide whether to make a try at extending his and Luciuss temporary handfasting into a permanent oneor to trust that Lucius might try that himself. Through Darkness* Author: Minxie Warnings: public sex Summary: After his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Magic ensures Harry meets the age requirement. Rating: NC-17 Do Unto Others Rating: R Summary: Harry is adopted into the Malfoy family at age six and now, with his lover/step brother Draco, he must try to escape from the horrible abuse of Lucius Malfoy. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Sirius Warnings: character death, drug use, mpreg, OOC The seduction of Lucius Malfoy. Rating: PG-13 Summary: Harry visits Lucius at his Ministry office. Warnings: non con Summary: No summary provided. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Seamus Challenge: 49. Summary: ..I submit, Master.., May 15th What happens when they start having memories of each other? Summary: How had it come to this? Will Tom Riddle, Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape discover Warnings: non con Author:IamSlytherin Well and Truly Fucked Warnings: non con, underage, violence, bloodplay Harry, Mr. Weasley and Mad Eye Moody had just been caught on the Malfoy grounds in an attempt to sneak into the Manor and rescue Ron, who had been abducted in a raid on the Burrow two weeks before. Warnings: songfic Warnings: Dom/sub, mpreg Such an experience is bound to leave scars. Summary: Harry is just a quick shag for Lucius, but is that all Lucius is to Harry? Author: Anne Phoenix Warnings: major character death, past mpreg, underage, AU, OC Survivors on both sides are left alone to struggle with their own individual grief. Pairings: Severus/Harry/Lucius Harry/Lucius - Tripod Rating: PG-13 Author: keikokin Summary:Lucius comes home to Harry putting the finishing touches to Voldemorts Victory Day cake, and decides to kiss the chef. Rating: Not provided Summary: Harry receives an invitation from Lucius Malfoy but it soon becomes much more. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius finds himself caught up in Severus plan to save himself and Harry Potter; will the ending, though, be what he planned? Warnings: female!Harry, AU, sex magic, underage, threesome Rating:T Trinity* Blank Space: You Belong With Me Redux Summary: The war is over, and now Harry has it made. Round Up But here he is, with the Potter-Malfoy pups making his ruddy hair grey before his fortieth nameday. Summary: The war ended, and Harry Potters friends moved on without him. No, in a world that hated and loved her in equal measures, Harri Potter built herself into a creature of cunning and manipulation that bows to no one. Author: ausmac Challenge: I will find a center in you/I will chew it up and leave/I will work to elevate you/just enough to bring you down. Silly ficlet. Harrys in it for the sex. Rating: G Summary:Draco is woken up to a shocking surprise. Rating: NC-17 Looking for Lucius Malfoy/ Harry Potter fanfiction : r/HPSlashFic - reddit Harry is a little too excited. Warnings: not slash Author: Herald of Dreams Warnings: underage, AU (non-magical), incest, voyeurism, multiple partners Lucius happens to agree. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Lucius/Narcissa, Harry/Other Rating: NC-17 The snow. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, Draco/Lucius Rating: NC-17 Youre Still My Man Meanwhile, Harry is struggling with conflicting emotions. Find the two wizards screwing around in the corner, hand them a Warnings, and back home before you can say Fizzing Whizbees.. Summary: Some idiot invented a potion after the war that gives whoever consumes it the characteristics of a Veelaand people keep taking it to find their mates or impress their lovers. Rating: NC-17 Summary: I dont know which god favours me, but he granted me with the best, most gorgeous pet in existence.. Rating: R Rating: R Warnings: light bondage Now they deal with more. Author: Minxie Future Imperfect* Summary: Fic for Izzy Con 2007: Year of the Cock (Rooster for you pervs out there), not betaed. Author: amanuensis His love grows. Author: elvirakitties Were going to need someone who knows how to find those signs, someone who can find the way.. Summary:Harry is dead but theres a new soul around Kieran Lupin-Snape, and he has caught Lucius eye, and heart. Harry is Kieran. Author: orphan account Summary: Harry picks his boss in the office Secret Santa. Author: Marks Author: ladycat777 Will Lucius help him, or will Lucius to help Harry in another way.. My Lord, Master, and Lover* Summary: Harry has the hots for his best friends father. When the Stone was stolen, the King sent out his knights to retrieve it. Rating: Hard R/Soft NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, dark!Harry, violence, character bashing Or is he? Rating: R Harrys never been quite right since the war. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Severus Author:MarauderNextGen Gifts of Day and Night* Summary:Whats the most important thing to him? His image. Well then, he likes his image and I dont care for mine, so this should work.. Unwelcome at first, that is. Rating: R Summary: Harry wants something different for Valentines. Summary: Draco thinks Harry makes a wonderful slut, but Harry isnt keen on the idea or is he? He goes to Hogwarts to find out who wrote it and ends up getting more than he bargained for. Ownership* Rating: R Pressing Matters Author: lolafalola Summary: Lucius likes the tried-and-true methods. If At First You Dont Succeed Pairings: Harry/Lucius, implied Harry/Severus Author: Lomonaaeren Warnings: mpreg, child exploitation, dub con, D/s, mild violence, other pairings Just a Little Game Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Author: annescriblerian Theres a sadist inside Lucius that wants to see Harry Potter broken- to break the boy himself- and when Potter falls into the Dark Lords hands first, he seeks to remedy that. The Gift of Sight Author: Evandar Rating: PG Summary: A distant wizarding empire sends an envoy to Voldemort to ask for moderation in his dealings with Muggles and Muggle-born. Author: torino10154 Author: Blood Dragon (Treetop) Warnings: mpreg, OOC Author: Slayer of Destiny Summary: No summary provided. See how the rest of the night goes. What does he do? Best thing there could be would be enchantment. Nott, Harry/Draco/Lucius Summary: Things arent always what they appear to be. From Darkness Emerges Warnings: de-aging, age play, crossdressing Author: Sapphira_Ruby But I didnt have the heart to steal him away from the people awaiting him at home. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius thinks about his obsession. Author: amanuensis Author: selfproclaimed_princess He is surprised to find an ally in the form of his guard Draco Malfoy. Warnings: crossdressing Family Trees* Author: shamelessnameless Author: Jade Always Author: luciusmistress His Warnings: dubcon, coercion, manipulation Warnings: darkfic, non con, incest, bestiality, bloodplay, humiliation, orgasm denial, mind games, exhibitionism/voyeurism, physical punishment, multiple character death Author: alafaye Warnings: BDSM, threesome, PWP Author: ladyofsd Author:CrimsonRose18 Warnings: BDSM, bonding fic, toys, mpreg Rating: NC-17 Summary: Protecting Lucius Malfoy, expendable envoy, on a journey to see if the vampires are serious about an alliance with the Ministry this time is a regular days work for Harry. Rating: PG-13 Author: shyngr8 Warnings: OS What Once Was*,part 2 of the What series Summary:Lucius, Lord Malfoy had a gift. Author: DobbyRocksSocks Rating: NC-17 Author: wintervixen86 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: Undertaker Darling Sequel: The Loathing In Those Green Eyes Author: amanuensis This Is Now. Summary: Its PWP. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Happy Birthday, Lucius Malfoy. Author: KiyoshiMichi Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Warnings: violence, gore, dark!fic Warnings: incest, mpreg, D/s, character bashing Summary: Written on 28 May 2006 in response to furor_scribiends prompt of Harry/Lucius: capitulation, constraint, caress. But will an angry decision the part of the master make him something more? Rating: NC-17 Author: Sela Argent Et Vert* Rating: R Rating: R Author: mari Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius employs a highly unorthodox method to discern the extent of Harrys power. Author: iulia_linnea Lucius owns him. Summary:Lucius was never caught at the Department of Mysteries, but a pair of green eyes haunted him. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: Koibito247 Fixation Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry Potter runs into Lucius Malfoy in a deserted corridor of Hogwarts. We Two Alone* Author: Neichan Warnings:non con, underage, violence, self harm Author: SweetSorcery Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Warnings: dub con, incest, BDSM, drug addiction Summary: When the Malfoys come to the Durlseys for dinner, they find an abused Harry and decide to take him away. Warnings:AU, OC The Escritoire, part 3 of the Obedience and Instruction series Because, no matter what anyone has said, having loved and lost is harder than having never loved at all, because at least then hed have never known what he was missing. Warnings: het, daddy kink, rough sex, light Dom/sub Author: Speedy Tomato Rating: NC-17 Author: Furorscribiendi Warnings: OOC Rating: PG-13 Disagreement On the Carriage Warnings: female!Harry, minor character death And the reason why they are always late. A Test of Loyalties Warnings: unusual sexual situation Sequel: Willful Hearts Author: Anne Phoenix Author: andx06s Rating: R Slave of the Dark Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Summary: Harry and Lucius both wind up in St Mungos as allies. Warnings: underage Summary:Harry sees past his reflection in Lucius eyes. Rating: R Work Search: Author: The Drow Author: Writcraft Summary:Lucius takes the same drug as Harry and they live in a world that pleases them both. But when the employer turns out to be Lucius Malfoy, what will happen? Summary: Harry wakes up in captivity, and the last thing he remembers is that he killed Voldemort. Summary: Harry has been writing love letters to Lucius for years Hedwig has become old and senile and she delivers the letters. Rating: PG Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, some het Rating: NC-17 Summary: Fed up and realizing that he will never be left alone or allowed to lead the life he wants, Harry leaves the Wizarding World. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Harry backed up against snape, snape now leaning against the wall, his arm around d Harry's chest. Rating: R Sequel to Magnanimity and Resolution. That was why he kept coming back for more. Summary: Now, I know its quite late in life to be instilling the tenets of proper behaviour, but I am responsible for you, and Here, Lucius smiled, cruel, twisted, gleaming like a glint of light off a knifes edge. Warnings: dub con, D/s, chastity device, orgasm denial, humiliation Pairings: Lucius/Severus, Severus/Harry, Lucius/Severus/Harry Summary: Lucius catches Harry hiding something. Author: RainisFalling13 Warnings: underage, mentions of child abuse, mpreg, multiple partners, bonding, BDSM Summary: Lucius is broken after the war and has no desire to be pieced together again. Summary: Harry had a potions mishap during the Battle at the Ministry, now he has to learn to live his life to accommodate three separate creatures that are coexisting in him. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Slytherin!Harry, homophobia Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word exempt.. Summary: Never con a con-man. Warnings: D/s, bonding fic, spanking Summary: You will not say my name. When a curious transformation causes him to fall in love with Lucius Malfoy, his honor forces him to aid the man in Azkaban. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Other One asterisk (*) denotes multiple partners in a romantic or sexual relationship; Two asterisks (**) denote hosting websites requiring sign up/log in to read. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Voldemort/Bellatrix, Severus/Hermione Summary:Harry is in love with four different men: a dark Auror, a snarky Potions Master, a blond Lord, and the Dark Lord. Author: Hijja Rating: R Pairings: past Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Summary: The unspeakables are more than researchers, and they are not as secure as they think they are. Inspired by the song Trouble by Coldplay. Warnings: underage (implied), darkfic He agrees but with Voldemort gone, what has he promised these men? Author: Koanju If you are not of legal age, no matter how interested you may be in reading smut, please come back when you are. Can Lucius and Harry save the day? Author: DemonYazuha Summary:Of course he should be dead by rights; he should have suffered a gruesome and final demise at my hands. Closer Rating: PG-13 Warnings: non con, voyeurism, BDSM, darkfic Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Lucius A Fracture of the Minds Eye Rating: R Warnings: non con, voyeurism, ambivalence about incest Summary: Harry is captured by Luciusor is he? Rating: NC-17 Twenty-Four Hours Warnings: BDSM Author: Depraved Necromancer (BvinYa_Raama) Warnings: mpreg Author: Firepheonix92 Sacrifices A Day Of Reckoning* Rating: PG-13 Warnings: AU Author: ITookTheOneLessTravelled Author: bcandii Lucius Malfoy after visiting his son, he decides to stay behind and attend a Slytherin Night. She couldnt long for their acceptance; their protection against the abuse of both magical and muggle. Author: Immortality22 Back At One* Rating: NC-17 Author: GhostIsReading Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Warnings: dark!Harry, character death, non con, violence, bestiality Author: keikokin Warnings: D/s, toys Author: Anne Phoenix Surrender At Will* Written for Les. Warnings: Draco bashing Rating: PG-13 Summary: Heather Anne Potter becomes Voldemorts daughter in magic at his resurrection due to strange interference with the magics invoked as his human horcrux. Author: knightmare Your Hearts Desire Summary: The aftermath. Summary: Lucius has Harry and plans to make the most of it. Summary: Harry is turned over to Lucius Malfoy as part of a peace treaty after the deaths of both Voldemort and Dumbledore. Summary: A ficlet from my alphabet challenge W. Cub AO3** |AFF | DA | FFN| Vietnamese translation. Rating: NC-17 Who wants to know? Rating: NC-17 There is another who longs to be with Harry, to show him how he should be loved but Harrys creature mates for life. Author: Lidane Rating: PG-13 Author: DeadlyElegance Summary: Challenge drabble: pairing and title provided. If Harry Potter is to be Lord Black he has to marry a Black. Pairings:Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Warnings: darkfic, character death Summary: Harry is the son of Lucius Malfoy and James Potter. What a wonderful present he gets. This story is written in honour of Love Like Winter by AFI. Freedoms Not So Free Warnings: underage, non con Rating: R Author: lidane Author: Unknown Battlefield, part 1 of The Battle of Life series Warnings: paddling Author: keikokin Warnings: non con, torture, BDSM, het, bestiality Summary: Lucius Malfoy orders a new family tree tapestryimagine his surprise when a new name appears at the bottom. Harry, gifted himself with power that he's grown tired of denying, decides that he might as well enlist Lucius to help him change the Ministry instead of trying to struggle against him. Warnings: mpreg, OOC Warnings: implied child abuse, homophobia, self-harm, age play, established relationship WM Archive | Chinese translation | Italian translation**. Lucius is shocked when he finds out exactly what kind of relationship Harry and Snape have. Bonus points for including a sympathetic Narcissa! Summary:Set in a non-magical, alternate universe during the rule of Queen Victoria, Harry Potter has recently been sold to a new home by his greedy, good for nothing pig of an uncle. Rating: R Author:maraudersaffair Author: potion_lady Private Proposition Warnings: mpreg, character bashing, AU Montagues Law* Author: Skye Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco(/Other) Prima Nocta* Author: ella bane *~In the original masterlist (last updated in 2011) Disobedience is listed as written by Veritas/moltensulfur. Summary: After the responsibility of the war, Harry just wants to surrender control. Warnings: auto-eroticism Summary: We have a guest, Lucius whispered. Summary: Hunger takes many forms. He hides in a cave Things liven up a little when Draco Malfoy starts taking a non-platonic interest in his Fathers captive. Ornament Rating: R Warnings: mpreg, mentions of suicide and stillbirth, mental health issues Rating: PG What if Harry was actually very smart? A Win-Win Situation Seducing a Malfoy Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Marcus Warnings: minor character death Rating: M Warnings: non con, dub con, abuse, humiliation, bestiality, BDSM, mind games Pairings: Harry/multiple, other m/m couples Please consider turning it on! Dracos Surprise Damage Control* Warnings: bondage, D/s Warnings: non con Rating: M Domine All those who opposed him became nothing more than slaves for the aristocracy- breeders, domestics, Pairings: past Harry/T. Author: arenee1999 Hunger Is A Fickle Thing It is filled with whispers carried by the wind; a whisper of something ghastly and beautiful. Author: naturegirlrocks Author: Marks Call Me Daddy Rating: R Warnings: mpreg, creature!Harry, veela!Lucius Summary: Harry has been captured by the Death Eaters. Healing Shores, part 3 of the Delicate Boyseries Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: softlysweetly Rating: NC-17 How will his lover welcome him? Rating: R A Homeopathic Cure for Insomnia* Rating: PG-13 Summary: After Voldemorts unexpected demise, Harry has settled into domestic life with his boyfriend, but hes not where he belongs. Summary: Darkfic where Harry Potter wakes up naked, tied to a bed, captured and blinded by Death Eaters. Summary: Lucius wants to make his love known publicly, but he doesnt think it would go over so well. Author: Cut-Wrist Kate Or when Lucius Abraxas Malfoy finally got his Lady and served her with his all. Summary: This work features Harry Potter being in a relationship with males from all houses. Author: keikokin Warnings: multiple partners, crossover AU, horror/supernatural A Dictionary Drabble based on the word contumacy. Author: Rushlight Rating: NC-17 Hanging By a Moment Author: Amorette Author:Bridgette_Hayden Rating: NC-17 Warnings: dub con, PWP, intoxication Summary: The love between Harry Potter and Lucius Malfoy is a forbidden one. Summary: There are many ways of exorcising your demons some painful, some no. Author: Sestra_Prior Summary: Lucius invokes an ancient wizarding law; Harry pays the price. Warnings: AU, OOC, crack!fic Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco You can look up abbreviations, terms and rating info using Glossary and Ratings. Summary: Contrary to popular opinion, Lucius Malfoy DOES have a sense of humour. Warnings: suicide, infidelity, underage Warnings: heavy BDSM (caning, orgasm denial, figging, collaring and more), D/s, public sex Rating: PG Author: Hijja Rating: PG Warnings: AU, OOC Author: sageofsin So what if this Potter had the power to be reincarnated over and over again and wreck havoc in every dimension? Summary: Lucius Malfoy learns the definition of hero. It wouldnt be as bad if that boy wasnt Harry Potterand it would be almost ok if when he closed his eyes he could picture Harry screaming in pleasureand not agony. Body and Mind* Warnings: daddy kink Warnings: non con Author: keikokin Summary: As is to be expected. Warnings: non con, indirect character death, bit of wangst
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