I had long before decided not to take the baitnot to follow her into the hypnoidal statebut instead would call her out of it. I soon found this plan unwieldy and instead put all the theoretical material into a fifty-page epilogue in which I explained in depth what my book was really about. Maybe thats something I ought to be talking about in the group. My psychiatrist finally advised me to sever all contact, to be totally silent. As though she were reading my mind, Thelma continued, lifting her chin and projecting her words as to a large audience. I noted wryly that my resorting to professional diagnostic jargon meant I must really be angry with her. Suddenlypresto!it was over. I felt bewildered by what had happened. Youve just finished a difficult course of chemotherapy. Betty had heard that her father had really wanted a son and been silently disappointed when she was born. Thelma continued to ramble and to consume huge chunks of our precious time with preambles to preambles. You cant be outside your own lawthats at the base of every ethical system., The tone of the session had changed. She had made it clear that she would not commit herself to long-term treatment; and, besides, I thought that I should know within six months whether I could help her. During a long conversation about his years fellowship, I mentioned that I once had a friend, Saul, who also had a rewarding stay there. I hoped that he would understand that my willingness to engage him, rather than wink behind his back, was my way of touching and caring. I thought you came to see me because you wanted to stop tormenting yourself.. I have always been repelled by fat women. But go on. My opportunity arrived soon, as Thelma proceeded to lament her loss. Id been warned that you psychiatrists did that regardless of the problem. Worst of all, Marvin could foresee no end to his anxiety. It really didnt matter. I suspect each of us would barely be able to recognize the hour from the others account. . But what, I wondered uneasily, about the rights of the patient? Ive been watching you beat yourself up for months about this. Explain. Im interested in the problem youre struggling with, and I think I can help you. The veterinarians extensive and expensive incontinence diagnostic work-up was of little value. In a curious way her disclosure helped us to deal with the ending of therapy, since it brought us full circle, back to the beginning of therapy, back to that hitherto mysterious first dream in which her two little sons, dressed like girls, were on display in an institution. As we approached our ninth, and last, hour, I sacrificed the rest of my credibility and offered to see Penny three additional hours, right up to the time of my sabbatical departure. I decided to start with her lack of self-revelation and, toward the end of a particularly soporific session, took the plunge. I think it also means being young again., Weve talked very little about your feelings about being seventy. In fact, I was astounded at his enthusiasm: by the fourth meeting, he told us that the group was the high point of his week, and he found himself counting the days till the next session. It had been mailed to all past and present fellows and faculty of the Stockholm Research Institute. You must feel that if Albert were alive, this would never have happened to you. I ignored her flip response that if Albert were alive she wouldnt have been taking three old hens to lunch. He liked to talk to me, but I believe that the primary attraction was the opportunity to reminisce, to keep alive the halcyon days of sexual triumph. This is pretty morbid stuff., Everything, Saul. They floundered for a few minutes, and then I supplied some direction by casually asking Dave whether he had any associations to the dream image of an envelope which he was keeping secret. Marie was to be interviewed by a consultant, and I was to enjoy the luxury of sharing an hour with her and yet being off duty. For weeks I had urged her to see a hypnotherapist in consultation. During those four years Chrissie attempted to stay in school but was bedridden almost half the time and hospitalized every three or four months. . There is little awareness of the experience of being a woman in a world dominated by men and, I believe, a clear bias in the way that the male clients and the female clients sexuality is explored. . One of the reasons she wanted to merge in love, and be obliterated by it, was to escape the terror of facing obliteration by death. I refused to stop dancing to have children, but I was forced to stop thirty-one years ago because I got gout in my large toenot a good disease for a ballerina. Another possibility was to give a simple outright gift to the Stockholm Institutea gift that would appear to be unrelated to anything else. Ill tell you. Even insurance forms had to be sent to his secret post office box number. Yet, as a result of my long relationship with Marie, I interpreted those smiles very differently. I thought of the Lorelei legend, and though I knew it would be dangerous to tarry, still I visited awhile. Encased in an elaborate illusion of unlimited power and progress, each of us subscribes, at least until ones midlife crisis, to the belief that existence consists of an eternal, upward spiral of achievement, dependent on will alone. In many ways her sons were the real victims of this tragedyas is often true of the siblings of children who die. Now your cheek is very numb, indeed. I stared at her. I had expected that I would need to hospitalize her at some point. No matter that the cataclysm she meant for me would engulf her as well: in fact, her sadomasochistic trends were so pronounced that she was attracted by the idea of dual immolation. Still, the roots of the obsession seemed extraordinarily friable. Besides, Ive always been curious about rape. Others, and among them I include myself, marvel that anyone can take diagnosis seriously, that it can ever be considered more than a simple cluster of symptoms and behavioral traits. Some day Ill tell you about my nightmaresmaybe., Youre not the only one who has these fears, Dave. He shares his personal and professional struggles in working with these patients and is honest about the mistakes he makes, including those born of arrogance or poor judgment. For years he endured his friends jibes about dating his mother. A ghostly, Cheshire cat smile? , Mock Trial Direct Shannon Shahid (Defense), IGGY Study Guide Ch.21 Cancer Development, Laura Namy, Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn. But he was impatient to get marriedhe had dated Phyllis since he was fifteenand, since he had no financial resources, decided to become a high school teacher. Thelma, how can you even consider that? Once again I began to suspect that he had already sent the fifty thousand dollars and was unwilling to tell me. Such a gift might be a deft move, he thoughtan insurance policy to quell any possible censure of his behavior. Ironically, while Love's Executioner strongly demonstrates psychology's ineptitude at understanding the mind, the book also shows that when applied in therapy, psychology remains mysteriously effective. If she punished him in any manner, Elmer retaliated by hosing down carpets in other rooms. Thats like one of your Zen riddles that I could never understand., Matthew continued, Whenever I tried to talk to you, it made things worse. The time had come to unearth everything. Think of that extraordinary story: for the first time in his life, a stable, if prosaic, previously healthy sixty-four-year-old man who has been having sex with the same woman for forty-one years suddenly becomes exquisitely sensitive to his sexual performance. He had also had enough experience on editorial boards to know that the journal editors were merely being polite: the article was beyond salvage unless he and Dr. K. put in massive amounts of time revising it. Her revenge upon me was to frustrate each of these aims. I hadnt thought of this farmerIve forgotten his namefor over thirty years. Their chest wall vanished, just melted away leaving a square blue-red cavity with rib-bar walls and, in the center, a liver-colored glistening heart thumping away. There are, in these ten tales of psychotherapy, few explicit discussions of meaning in life. Did Yalom ever meet jointly with Thema and her former therapist? Marvin mentioned that the strongest dream of all was that first dream, six months ago, of the two gaunt men, the white cane, and the baby. Well, I thought, that was something! Her tight shoulders relaxed, her face loosened, her head turned ever so slightly toward me. Ever since I hung up the phone, Ive been kicking myself for chickening out and not having asked Matthew the two really important questions. She stared out the window. I was musing about Matthews professional decision, even wondering whether he had evolved to the point where he should go back to doing therapyperhaps he now might make an exceptional therapistwhen I noticed that our time was almost up. Nor did he mention his negotiations with me and my offer to keep the letters for him if he agreed to share all with the group. My first impulse was to get the hell away, far awayand not see her again. Its O.K. I wanted to help her take the responsibility of making herself better, and I wanted the process of improvement to be as clear to her as possible. Theyre not real people. I had tried not to objectify her, to pity her, or to do anything that created a gulf of inequality between us. Instead she remembered, and treasured, casual, personal, supportive comments I had made.2. The weeks passed, the campaign continued. She was absolutely persuaded that no theoretical explanation whatsoever was needed, and that I should let my stories speak for themselves. I asked whether she felt guilty over having given up her children. Rather, love is a way of being, a "giving to," not a 'falling for"; a mode of relating at large, not an act limited to a single person." Love's Executioner is a fiction book based on psychotherapy and the human psyche, written by Irvin D. Yalom, who is a psychotherapist and also the main protagonist (the therapist) among each of the stories. How could I, I wondered, meet the dreamer? Far from wanting to take back her freedom from Matthew, she had a lust for submission. I insisted that we had made real progress. If I say the wrong thing, she can make my life hellturn off the sexual spigot altogether., Im afraid of my impulsesmy murderous and sexual impulses., Do you remember, years ago, a news story of a man who killed his wife by pouring acid on her? Saul continued, A couple of weeks ago I saw a book in the bookstore about the imposter complex. It fits me closely. She hated the doctors who had told her that Albert was doomed. I often thought that if I could find a way to keep him continually aware of his death and the clearing that death effects, I could help him make some major changes in the way he related to life and to other people. Ive never known anyone who wasnt. While there is no solution to existential isolation, therapists must discourage false solutions. Since patients tend to re-create in the therapy setting the same interpersonal problems that bedevil them in their lives outside, I focus on what is going on at the moment between a patient and me rather than on the events of his or her past or current life. It is the outside world (friends, job, spouse) that must be changedor exchanged. I was excited for him. Saul did not keep me long in suspense. Noting that we still had fifteen minutes left, I decided to do some work on another front. . As I had anticipated, Dave kept himself well concealed in the group and, in fact, received reinforcement for his behavior from another secretive member, a beautiful and proud woman who, like him, looked decades younger than her years. What does running wild mean? I reminded him now of that metaphor. Let me try to get my thoughts out clearly. Saul did what I asked and shared his illogical scenario, and here I am, dumb enough to get lost in it. Sometimes, as Freud first showed us, sexually inspired anxiety is expressed through other devious means. Mike, obviously pleased with Maries response, turned to his final task. After a few days she went to the library alone, then shopping, and in the next few weeks ventured farther than she had for years. I will never, never talk about Matthew to my husband. Do it! No distracting questions, no jocular clichs, no struggling to stay on the surface. We had only just begun our first session, and there was much more I wanted to know before I would feel ready to examine Marvins chart. Since we stopped chemotherapy two months ago, I go days at a time without thinking of the cancer. I havent forgiven you for preventing me from dating her. When he had first started the group six weeks ago, he talked at great length about his infatuation with Sarahor rather with her breastsand was convinced she would be willing to go out with him. In recounting his patients' dilemmas, Yalom not only gives us a rare and . He tiptoed in and saw Phyllis kneeling by her bed, praying, chanting the same phrase over and over: The mother of God will protect me. First of all, she never revealed anything intimate about herself. She said that, if it were true for me, it was true in spades for herthat she had led a totally self-centered life, that shes never given anything of herself., I reminded her of that. A one-percent chance for what?, For what? Do you think I should have gotten lithium?. She had taken the ritualized widow walkthrough the cancer diagnosis; the awful, toxic, gut- wrenching chemotherapy; their last visit together to Carmel; their last drive down El Camino Real; the hospital bed at home; the funeral; the paperwork; the ever-dwindling dinner invitations; the widow and widowers clubs; the long, lonely nights. (Later I was to learn that I would reach deep pain in Penny no matter where I probed.) Heady stuff! Which Marge? For example, she was greatly concerned about time running outtoo little time left to get an education, to take a vacation, to leave behind some tangible legacy; and too little time for us to finish our work together. She had often joked with her friends, Go see a psychiatrist. Ill be all right. But that was a false alarm. I was getting plenty of information, but we were not making contact. As I started writing, I had no idea where a story would lead or what shape it would take. She was savvy, willful, very sexy. Her grief wound was now fully exposed. They had attempted intercourse two other times, but Matthew was impotent. His first association to the car, the curious black box on wheels, was to say, It is not a coffin. Noticing my raised eyebrows, he smiled and said, Was it one of you fellows who said you give yourself away by protesting too much?, The car has no front windows, Marvin. My implicit contract with Marge (as with all my patients) is that when I am with her, I am wholly, wholeheartedly, and exclusively with her. A few minutes later, as I was getting some coffee, I noticed Thelma and Matthew chatting in the corridor. Everyone always says things in reviews like, "I wish I could give such-and-such book negative stars!" Id really be interested in hearing.. Staring at the Sun was revolutionary, and The Gift of Therapy unequivocally changed who I am as a mental health professional. Three unopened letters -- 9. It was typical of Thelma not to think that I might have some wishes, too. Then he pats himself on the back for whatever nonremarkable accomplishment he does make. I knew we were both chased by the same man with a rifle. Another theme was escape, not just physical escape from Atlanta, from her family, from the cycle of poverty and alcoholism, but escape from her destiny of becoming a poor crazy old lady like her mother, Penny having recently learned that her mother had, over the last several years, had several psychiatric hospitalizations. To my great surprise, Carlos made excellent use of therapy; and after six sessions, we agreed to meet in ongoing treatment. As this material unfolded, it was possible to understand Marvins current problems from each of three very different perspectives: the existential (with a focus on the ontological anxiety that had been evoked by passing a major life milestone); the Freudian (with an emphasis on oedipal anxiety which resulted in the sexual act being welded to primitive catastrophic anxiety); and the communicational (with an emphasis on how the marital dynamic equilibrium had been unsettled by recent life events; more about this was to emerge shortly). A good working formula is: the more unlived life, or unrealized potential, the greater ones death anxiety. Something went wrong with your request. Buried somewhere within Marvins walls was a dreamer tapping out an urgent existential message. I continued. I have a lot of respect for Stanford University. Most likely he was referring to Sarah, but I did not ask. Theres a difference between wanting to do something and having to do it (to avoid some danger). I am grateful to my wife, Marilyn (always my toughest critic and staunchest support); to my Basic Books editor, Phoebe Hoss, an enabling editor in this as in my previous books at Basic; and to my project editor at Basic Books, Linda Carbone. Two Smiles 8. And the absence of any obvious meaning or sense of life. I felt cruel during these weeks because of the pain our therapy was uncovering. We agreed to concentrate on maintaining her new weight of one hundred sixty and, to that end, Betty bought a whole new wardrobe. Even though we continued our work together for many months after the hour Me appeared, and though Marge and I eventually stopped talking about her, I have never forgotten her: she flits in and out of my mind at unexpected times. Ive been hurt enough. During one of her depressed periods, she had a vivid dream. A Summary of the Book: Love's Executioner & Other Tales of Psychotherapy. He was younger than I and had always respected my work. She just stared at me. (child loss). What is Yalom's primary clinical assumption? There is nothing worse than to feel bereft, to feel that you are absolutely alone in the world. love's executioner two smiles summary She had continued to live as ifas if the world were safe, as if Albert were there, back in the workshop next to the garage. The woman was usually baffled or frightened by his assumption that there was some deep bond between them. It was my idea to invite Matthew, my idea to ask him the questions you did. I thought I saw her nod her head. Just as he once had attempted to buy his way into his family, he was now trying to buy a secure seat at the table of Dr. K. and the Stockholm Institute. First, she enrolled in an eating-disorder program at the clinic where I worked and completed their demanding protocol, which included a complex physical workup and a battery of psychological tests. My mother is a crazy, embittered lady, and I grow more like her every day. Mikiko and Tsunehito Hasegawa in Tokyo and Hawaii, the Caff Malvina in San Francisco, the Bennington College Creative Writing Program. I was entirely satisfied with my words: I had covered myself and had been clear enough to prevent any misunderstandings. In your office.. I was being cruel, yet the option of not being cruel, of simply humoring him, of tacitly acknowledging that he was incapable of seeing reality, was crueler yet. Had anyone talked to them about death? She wept often and, at times, flashed into anger. She could only be pleased at my wanting to know her better. The Four Gives of Life Bereaved parents are also, by analogy, confronted with their own death: they have not been able to protect a defenseless child, and as night follows day they comprehend the bitter truth that they, in their turn, will not be protected. Talking treatments have never helped. He had so much caring, so much loving. How could love ever choose to ravage that frail, tottering old body, or house itself in that shapeless polyester jogging suit? I was thinking of my father lying beneath the ground and how cold he must have been, and I suddenly heard a voice from above saying to me, Youre next!, Betty stopped and looked at me. Not only did food represent her sole form of gratification, not only was it a method of assuaging her feeling of emptiness, not only did thinness evoke the pain of her fathers death, but she felt, unconsciously, that losing weight would result in her death. He called his neighbors, who banged, in vain, on Thelmas door and windows. Love's Executioner, & Other Tales of Psychotherapy by Irvin Yalom You can influence itmore than you think. But I never found anyone. But knowing that doesnt stop it, doesnt break the vicious circle., Youd think, after six months, Id know the answer. He does so in a non-morbid way. I feel little charity for the irresponsible professionals and have urged many patients to report sexually offending therapists to professional ethics boards. Despite their negative connotation, it helps patients keep their word. I knew that its message would be briefand brutal.. Then peoples heads kept getting in the way of the screen. Together we inspected and discussed each item. Irvin D. Yalom, quote from Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy "Love is not just a passion spark between two people; there is infinite difference between falling in love and standing in love. He merely shook his head. The fate of Pennys marriage is, unfortunately, all too common in families that have lost a child. He said he didnt bother to ask Phyllis: he knew shed raise hell. It doesnt make sense. One of our main jobs is to sort things out and restore the feelings to where they belong.. Then two hundred, a fifty-pound loss! A little effort, a little ingenuity should suffice to yank the whole weed out. Whenever I tried, they brought pain, not comfort. Didnt feel comfortablethats putting it mildly. Destiny pain. How old? I went back to the first issue he had raised in the hour: his belief that he had missed a golden opportunity with Ruth, the woman he had met briefly at a church social, and his subsequent head pounding and self-recrimination for not having walked her to her car. Gradually Bettys acute anxiety subsided. But, to my regret, I never said those things to Saul. It is only when therapy enlists deep emotions that it becomes a powerful force for change. My obsession has gone or almost gone, I guess. The function that his irrational belief served was patent. I suspected that, in part, he agreed to examine unconscious motivations simply to humor me. It seemed to me that the source of its hold on her was the power she had given Matthew. Love's Executioner Chapter Summary - 590 Words | Bartleby For several minutes she sobbed and then finally talked about what had happened. The dream, I continued, was a dream about death. She saw the curiosity, the bemusement in their faces as they watched to see whether she could squeeze into a single narrow movie seat. . Thelma and Harry, with limited financial means, had never been able to afford to see anyone other than student therapists. She was incapable, or unwilling, to reveal herself in the immediate present that we two were sharing. Dr. K. was a great presence: speaking in an impeccable Oxonian dialect, he refused to be bowed by seven and a half decades and employed every one of his seventy-six inches in the construction of one of the worlds great postures. So what? She suspected Matthew was gay: he lived in one of San Franciscos gay enclaves, and was beautiful in the way many gay men are, with his neatly combed mustache, boyish face, and Mercury-like body. The story depicts my struggle to work through these unruly feelings in order to relate to the patient at a human level. Nothing has ever been more real to me. Besides, my questions had a hollow ring. Set a reasonable goalyou can do this as well as I. In most other ways he is very self-sufficient. 5000, or e-mail special.markets@perseusbooks.com. Other suggestions met a similar fate. Maries first step, Mike suggested, was to learn more about her pain: to differentiate between functional and unnecessary pain. He had changed his mind about retirement and was now working part-time, but had switched fields and was doing more real estate development and managementwork that he found more interesting. She worked sixty hours a week, had no friends, no social life, no activities in California. My life is being lived eight years agoan arresting phrase. One day in my office I looked over at Betty and noticed, for the first time, that she had a lap. You were going to say something else, Phyllis?, Well, this is the hardest thing to say. In college she had initially elected a premedical curriculum but gave it up for fear of being in contact with cancer patients.
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