You will need a Common Access Card (CAC) with DoD Certificates to access DoD Cyber Exchange NIPR. NIAP: Product Compliant List - NIAP-CCEVS PDF By Order of The Commander, United U.s. Air Forces Central States Air Similarly, delaying a components OSS release too long may doom it, if another OSS component is released first. African nations hold Women, Peace and Security Panel at AACS 2023. Performance Statements are plain language and avoid using uncommon acronyms and abbreviations. Execution Mixing GPL and other software can run at the same time on the same computer or network. Not under typical open source software licenses based on copyright, but there is an alternative with the same practical effect. Use a common OSS license well-known to be OSS (GPL, LGPL, MIT/X, BSD-new, Apache 2.0) dont write your own license. The list consists of 21 equipment categories divided into categories, sub-categories and then . Establish vetting process(es) before government will use updated versions (testing, etc.). This Open Source Software FAQ was originally developed on Intellipedia, using a variety of web browsers including Mozilla Firefox. Note that this also applies to proprietary software, which often have even stricter limits on if/how the software may be changed. But what is radically different is that a user can actually make a change to the program itself (either directly, or by hiring someone to do it). Most commercial software (including OSS) is not designed for such purposes. The lack of money changing hands in open source licensing should not be presumed to mean that there is no economic consideration, however. Dynamic attacks (e.g., generating input patterns to probe for vulnerabilities and then sending that data to the program to execute) dont need source or binary. (4) Waivers for non-FDA approved medications will not be considered. (Such terms might include open source software, but could also include other software). (Note that such software would often be classifed.). For example, a Code Analysis of the Linux Wireless Teams ath5k Driver found no license problems. Review really does happen. In 2017, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, in Artifex Software, Inc.v. Hancom, Inc., issued a ruling confirming the enforceability of the GNU General Public License. The GNU General Public License (GPL) is the most common OSS license; while you do not need to use the GPL, it is often unwise to choose a license incompatible with the majority of OSS. Establish project website. More than 275 cyber professionals from across the Defense Department, U.S. federal agencies, and allied nations are competing against a robust and dynamic opposing force comprised of over 60 Red Team operators from the. Q: How should I create an open source software project? If you have concerns about using in-house staff, augmented by the OSS community for those components, then select and pay a commercial organization to provide the necessary support. For example, software that can only be used for government purposes is not OSS, since it cannot be used for any purpose. No. Q: When a DoD contractor is developing a new system/software as a deliverable in a typical DoD contract, is it possible to include existing open source software? There are many alternative clauses in the FAR and DFARS, and specific contracts can (and often do) have different specific agreements on who has which rights to software developed under a government contract. On approval, such containers are granted a "Certificate to Field" designation by the Air Force Chief Software Officer. If your contract has FAR clause 52.212-4 (which it is normally required to do), then choice of venue clauses in software licenses are undesirable, but the order of precedence clause (in the contract) means that the choice of venue clause (in the license) is superseded by the Contract Disputes Act. Authors of a creative work, or their employer, normally receive the copyright once the work is in a fixed form (e.g., written/typed). Widespread availability and use of the software (which increases the likelihood of detection), Configuration management systems that record the identity of individual contributors (which acts as a deterrent), Licenses or development policies that warn against the unlawful inclusion of material, or require people to specifically assert that they are acting lawfully (which reduce the risk of unintentional infringement), Lack of evidence of infrigement (e.g., an Internet search for project name + copyright infringement turns up nothing). Lawmakers also approved the divestment of 13 . Software might not infringe on a patent when it was released, yet the same software may later infringe on a patent if the patent was granted after the softwares release. Wikipedias Comparison of OSS hosting facilities page may be helpful in identifying existing hosting facilities, as well as some of their pros and cons. OSS COTS tends to be lower cost than GOTS, in part for the same reasons as proprietary COTS: its costs are shared among more users. There are two versions of the GPL in widespread use: version 2 and version 3. DISA Tools Mission Statement. The U.S. government can often directly combine GPL and proprietary, classified, or export-controlled software into a single program arbitrarily, as long as the result is never conveyed outside the U.S. government. Air Force Abbreviations Again, if this is the case, then the contractor cannot release the software as OSS without permission, because the contractor doesnt own the copyright. The DoD has not expressed a position on whether or not software should be patented, but it is interested in ensuring that software that effectively supports its missions can be developed in a cost-effective, timely, and legal manner. Congress approves retirement of 160+ Air Force planes - with one The rules for many other U.S. departments may be very different. Adobe Acrobat Reader software is copyrighted software which gives users instant access to documents in their original form, independent of computer platform. Thus, open systems require standards that are widely-supported and consensus-based; standards that meet these (and possibly some additional conditions) may be termed open standards. If a legal method for using the GPL software for a particular application cannot be devised, and a different license cannot be negotiated, then the GPL-licensed component cannot be used for that particular purpose. This shows that proprietary software can include functionality that could be described as malicious, yet remain unfixed - and that at least in some cases OSS is reviewed and fixed. Similarly, in Wallace v. IBM, Red Hat, and Novell, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit found in November 2006 that the GNU General Public License (GPL) and open-source software have nothing to fear from the antitrust laws. Many OSS licenses do not have a choice of venue clause, and thus cannot have an issue, although some do. If you are looking for an application that has wide use, one of the various lists of open source alternatives may help. Similarly, SourceForge/Apache (in 2001) and Debian (in 2003) countered external attacks. before starting have a clear understanding of the reasons to migrate; ensure that there is active support for the change from IT staff and users; make sure that there is a champion for change the higher up in the organisation the better; build up expertise and relationships with the OSS movement; ensure that each step in the migration is manageable. Contracts under the federal government FAR, but not the DFARS, often use clause FAR 52.227-14 (Rights in Data - General). In some cases, the government obtains the copyright; in those cases, the government can sue for copyright violation. If the contract includes the typical FAR 52.227-14 (Rights in data - general) clause, without any special alternatives or additions, then the contractor must make a written request for permission to assert copyright in works containing data first produced under the contract. An OSS implementation can be read and modified by anyone; such implementations can quickly become a working reference model (a sample implementation or an executable specification) that demonstrates what the specification means (clarifying the specification) and demonstrating how to actually implement it. Examine if it is truly community-developed - or if there are only a very few developers. Also, US citizens can attempt to embed malicious code into software, and many non-US citizens develop software without embedding malicious code. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE SPACE COMMAND . No, DoD policy does not require you to have commercial support for OSS, but you must have some plan for support. Ipamorelin. (See also Free Software Foundation License List, Public Domain), (See also GPL FAQ, Question Can the US Government release improvements to a GPL-covered program?). The ruling was a denial of a motion for summary judgement, and the parties ultimately settled the claim out-of-court. Even if a commercial program did not originally have vulnerabilities, both proprietary and OSS program binaries can be modified (e.g., with a hex editor or virus) so that it includes malicious code. This does not mean that the DoD will reject using proprietary COTS products. Include upgrade/maintenance costs, including indirect costs (such as hardware replacement if necessary to run updated software), in the TCO. Many analyses focus on versions of the GNU General Public License (GPL), since this is the most common OSS license, but analyses for other licenses are also available. Search and apply for the latest Hourly pay jobs in Randolph Air Force Base, TX. All other developers can make changes to their local copies, and even post their versions to the Internet (a process made especially easy by distributed software configuration management tools), but they must submit their changes to a trusted developer to get their changes into the trusted repository. The 88th Air Base Wing is the host organization for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Similarly, OSS (as well as proprietary software) may indeed have malicious code embedded in it. The United States Air Force operates a service called Iron Bank, which is the DoD Enterprise repository of hardened software containers, many of which are based on open source products. Florida Solar Energy Center's EnergyGauge. Examples of OSS that are in widespread use include: There are many Linux distributions which provides suites of such software such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, SUSE, Debian and Ubuntu. Q: Is there an approved, recommended or Generally Recognized as Safe/Mature list of Open Source Software? You may only claim that a trademark is registered if it is actually registered. Distribution Mixing GPL and other software can be stored and transmitted together. At the subsequent meeting of the Inter-Allied Council . With the Acrobat Reader, you can view, navigate, print and present any Portable Document Format (PDF) file. The Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL) is the single consolidated list of products that affect communication and collaboration across the DoDIN. It's like it dropped off the face of the earth. At project start, the project creators (who create the initial trusted repository) are the trusted developers, and they determine who else may become a trusted developer of this initial trusted repository. Elite RHVAC. BSD TCP/IP suite - Provided the basis of the Internet, Greatly increased costs, due to the effort of self-maintaining its own version, Inability to use improvements (including security patches and innovations) by others, where it uses a non-standard version instead of the version being actively maintained, Greatly increased cost, due to having to bear the, Inability to use improvements (including security patches and innovations) by others, since they do not have the opportunity to aid in its development, Obsolescence due to the development and release of a competing commercial (e.g., OSS) project. Q: Is open source software the same as open systems/open standards? DFARS 252.227-7014 specifically defines commercial computer software in a way that includes nearly all OSS, and defines noncommercial computer software as software that does not qualify as commercial computer software. Q: Can OSS licenses and approaches be used for material other than software? Since both terms are in use, the rest of this document will use the term OGOTS/GOSS. In general, Security by Obscurity is widely denigrated. As with all commercial items, the DoD must comply with the items license when using the item. The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has said, in an advisory ruling, that the country of origin of software is the place where the software is converted into object code (Software comes from the place where its converted into object code, says CBP, FierceGovernmentIT), for purposes of granting waivers of certain Buy American restrictions in U.S. law or practice or products offered for sale to the U.S. Government.. The resulting joint work as a whole is protected by the copyrights of the non-government authors and may be released according to the terms of the original open-source license. In such licenses, if you give someone a binary of the program, you are obligated to give them the source code (perhaps upon request) under the same terms. U.S. law governing federal procurement U.S. Code Title 41, Chapter 7, Section 103 defines commercial product as a product, other than real property, that- (A) is of a type customarily used by the general public or by nongovernmental entities for purposes other than governmental purposes; and (B) has been sold, leased, or licensed, or offered for sale, lease, or license, to the general public . Support for OSS is often sold separately for OSS; in such cases, you must comply with the support terms for those uses to receive support, but these are typically the same kinds of terms that apply to proprietary software (and they tend to be simpler in practice). Q: When a DoD contractor is developing a new system/software as a deliverable in a typical DoD contract, is it possible to use existing software licensed using the GNU General Public License (GPL)? Yes, in general. Browse 817 acronyms and abbreviations related to the Air Force terminology and jargon. An example of such software is Expect, which was developed and released by NIST as public domain software. This is important for releasing OSS, because the government can release software as OSS if it has unlimited rights. This need for legal analysis is one reason why creating new OSS licenses is strongly discouraged: It can be extremely difficult, costly, and time-consuming to analyze the interplay of many different licenses. If the supplier attains a monopoly or it is difficult to switch from the supplier, the costs may skyrocket. Services that are intended and agreed to be gratuitous do not conflict with this statute. It can sometimes be a challenge to find a good name. SAF/AQC 1060 Air Force Pentagon Washington, DC 20330-1060 (571) 256-2397 DSN 260-2397 Fax: (571) 256-2431 Fax: DSN 260-2431 Featured Links. AFCENT/A1RR will publish approved local supplements to the Air Force Reporting DFARS 252.227-7014(a)(15) defines unlimited rights as rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose computer software or computer software documentation in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or authorize others to do so. After all, most proprietary software licenses explicitly forbid modifying (or even reverse-engineering) the program, so the GPL actually provides additional rights not present in most proprietary software. Even if an OTD project is not OSS itself, an OTD project will typically use, improve, or create OSS components. Under the current DoD contracting regime, the contractor usually retains the copyright for software developed with government funding, so in such cases the contractor (not the government) has the right to sue for copyright violation. For software delivered under federal contracts, any choice of venue clauses in the license generally conflict with the Contract Disputes Act. What programs are already in widespread use? Q: Does the Antideficiency act (ADA) prohibit all use of OSS due to limitations on voluntary services? In most cases, yes. Note also that merely being developed for the government is no guarantee that there is no malicious embedded code. The DDR&E, Advanced Capabilities Modular Open Systems Approach web page also provides some useful background. Cyberspace Capabilities Center Home Requiring the use of very unusual development tools may impede development, unless those tools provide a noticeable advantage. Gartner Groups Mark Driver stated in November 2010 that, Open source is ubiquitous, its unavoidable having a policy against open source is impractical and places you at a competitive disadvantage.. DAF COVID-19 Statistics - January 2022. By U.S. Cybercom Command Public Affairs | Aug. 12, 2022. An OTD project might be OSS, but it also might not be (it might be OGOTS/GOSS instead). Some have found that community support can be very helpful. In some cases, export-controlled software may be licensed for export under the condition that the source code not be released; this would prevent release of software that had mixed GPL and export-controlled software. Feb. 4, 2022 |. As explained in detail below, nearly all OSS is commercial computer software as defined in US law and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, and if it used unchanged (or with only minor changes), it is almost always COTS. The FAR and DFARS specifically permit different agreements to be struck (within certain boundaries). . However, if the covered software/library is itself modified, then additional conditions are imposed. Thus, if a defendant can show the plaintiff had unclean hands, the plaintiffs complaint will be dismissed or the plaintiff will be denied judgment. So if the government releases software as OSS, and a malicious developer performs actions in violation of that license, then the governments courts might choose to not enforce any of that malicious developers intellectual rights to that result. This memorandum only applies to Navy and Marine Corps commands, but may be a useful reference for others. If it must work with other components, or is anticipated to work with other components, ensure that the license will permit those anticipated uses. Commercial software (both proprietary and OSS) is occasionally updated to fix errors (including security vulnerabilities), and your system should be designed so that it is relatively easy to accept these updates. U.S. courts have determined that the GPL does not violate anti-trust laws. Approved Software - ACCA - Air Conditioning Contractors of America This process provides a single, consolidated list of products that have met cybersecurity and interoperation certification requirements. The release may also be limited by patent and trademark law. The term Free software predates the term open source software, but the term Free software has sometimes been misinterpreted as meaning no cost, which is not the intended meaning in this context. 1.1.4. An alternative is to not include the OSS component in the deliverable, but simply depend on it, as long as that is acceptable to the government. 2021 USAF & USSF Almanac: Glossary of Acronyms & Abbreviations Thus, components that have the potential to (eventually) support many users are more likely to succeed. 2518(4)(B) says that, An article is a product of a country or instrumentality only if (i) it is wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of that country or instrumentality, or (ii) in the case of an article which consists in whole or in part of materials from another country or instrumentality, it has been substantially transformed into a new and different article of commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from which it was so transformed. The CBP also pointed out a ruling (Data General v. United States, 4 CIT 182 (1982)), that programming a PROM performed a substantial transformation. This risk is mitigated by reviewing software (in particular, for classification and export control issues) before public release. Note that under the DoD definition of open source software, such public domain software is open source software. Vendor lock-in, aka lock-in, is the situation in which customers are dependent on a single supplier for some product (i.e., a good or service), or products, and cannot move to another vendor without substantial costs and/or inconvenience. Other laws must still be obeyed. Many programs and DAAs do choose to use commercial support, and in many cases that is the best approach. The GPL and LGPL licenses specifically recommend that You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a copyright disclaimer for the program, if necessary., and point to additional information. In addition, DISA has initiated an assessment of the APL process, which was enacted nearly a decade ago, to ensure that current procedures align with new and evolving departmental priorities. The travel and meal tickets you received the day you reported to ship out to basic training. The central theme of 2022 was the U.S. government's deploying of its sanctions, AML . Atty Gen.51 (1913)) that has become the leading case construing 31 U.S.C. Thus, GPLed compilers can compile classified programs (since the compilers treat the classified program as data), and a GPLed implementation of a virtual machine (VM) can execute classified software (since the VM implementation runs the software as data). Where it is unclear, make it clear what the source or source code means. Q: Isnt using open source software (OSS) forbidden by DoD Information Assurance (IA) Policy? 88th Air Base Wing - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base All executables that is not on a base approval list will soon be blocked. an Air Force community college and on 9 November 1971, General John D. Ryan, Air Force Chief of Staff, approved the establishment of the Community College of the Air Force. Below are current coronavirus disease 2019 statistics for Department of Air Force personnel: *These numbers include all of the cases that were reported since our last update on Jan. 18. Other open source software implementations of Unix interfaces include OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, and Darwin. At a high-level, DoD policy requires commercial software (including OSS) to come with either a warranty or source code, so that the software can be maintained when necessary by the supplier or the government. It may be illegal to modify proprietary software, but that will normally not slow an attacker. 75th Anniversary Article. Six pairs of ankle socks. Maximize portability, and avoid requiring proprietary languages/libraries unnecessarily. The Department of Defense invests tens of thousands of dollars in training for its Service members. For additional information please contact: Look at the Numbers! Where possible, software developed partly by government funds should broken into a set of smaller components at the lowest practicable level so the rules can be applied separately to each one. (See also Publicly Releasing Open Source Software Developed for the U.S. Government by Dr.David A. Wheeler, DoD Software Tech News, February 2011.). These include: If you are looking for smaller pieces of code to reuse, search engines specifically for code may be helpful. The first specific step towards the establishment of the United Nations was the Inter-Allied conference that led to the Declaration of St James's Palace on 12 June 1941. A primary reason that this is low-probability is the publicity of the OSS source code itself (which almost invariably includes information about those who made specific changes). When taking this approach, contractors hired to modify the software must not retain copyright or other rights to the result (else the software would be conveyed outside the U.S. government); see GPL version 3 section 2, paragraph 2 which states this explicitly. Yes. It may be found at, US Army Regulation 25-2, paragraph 4-6.h, provides guidance on software security controls that specifically addresses open source software. Approved supplements are maintained by AFCENT/A1RR at Commercial software (including OSS) that has widespread use often has lower risk, since there are often good reasons for its widespread use. Instead, users who are careful to use open standards can easily switch to a different implementation, including an OSS implementation. 37 African nations, US kickoff AACS 2023 in Senegal. DSEI 2021, ExCel, LONDON, UK - 14 September 2021 - Curtiss-Wright's Defense Solutions division (Bays 22-26 ExCeL Exhibition Centre), a trusted supplier of tactical data link (TDL) software and hardware solutions engineered to succeed, announced that it has received certification from . A very small percentage of such users determine that they can make a change valuable to them, and contribute it back (to avoid maintenance costs). These included the Linux kernel, the gcc compilation suite (including the GNAT Ada compiler), the office suite, the emacs text editor, the Nmap network scanner, OpenSSH and OpenSSH for encryption, and Samba for Unix/Linux/Windows interoperability. The MITRE study did identify some of many OSS programs that the DoD is already using, and may prove helpful. The first-ever Oklahoma Black History Day was celebrated at the state Capitol Feb. 13 with Lt. Gen. Stacey Hawkins, Air Force Sustainment Center commander, serving as the keynote speaker for the event.Hosted by the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus, a focus of this .
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