These unique identifiers distinguish individual investigators and can be used to connect researchers with their contributions to science over time and across changes of name, location, and institutional affiliation. . In contrast to NIH, NSF does not consider a Postdoctoral Fellow who directly receives their own support as in-kind current or pending support. Click on Search Awards. Research Administration, 1101 E. 33rd Street, B001 Review more detailed requirements for some of our major federal sponsors below. These should be listed under Facilities and Other Resources. OMPFs are accessioned into the National Archives, and become archival, 62 years after the service member's separation from the military. Applicants and recipients remain responsible for disclosingallresearch endeavors regardless of the version of the forms used, including: Please consult the original and>Other Support FAQs for additional guidance on what needs to be disclosed. Why do postdocs and other non-PI individuals show up in the tool? See earlier notice, NIH Grant Guide NOT-OD-19-114. Covered individualsare all people who contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the development or execution of a project. The total award amount for the entire award period covered (including facilities and administrative costs), as well as the number of person-months (or partial person-months) per year to be devoted to the project by the senior/key personnel involved. For promotion to paygrades E4 through E6, the advancement-in-rate examination score, the performance evaluations, service in paygrade, awards, and previous examination performances are factors of what system? where on earth\cancel{\text{earth}}earth (Earth). Click the button. JHM Welch Library has additional resources including this video on using ORCID. Once on BOL, click on 'Navy Personnel Command Documents. BOL NDAWS is the authoritative source for awards data. 4. While the tool specifically creates NSF- and NIH-formatted documents, the information provided in the tool can be used to meet other sponsors requirements for information on awards and pending proposals. These contracts must be in English or include an English translation. In order to help users efficiently filter out Expired awards, when appropriate, the current status of the award is presented in the tool. Federal agencies are increasingly asking for information so that they can accurately assess: School specific processes can be found here. JHU will be utilizing DocuSign for this electronic signature requirement. Court Memorandum A Sailor may submit a statement to record about any performance evaluation. . The site . Note: Details of any obligations to a program, entity or organization sponsored by a non-domestic government must be provided to DOE upon their request. Other support does not include training awards, prizes, gifts or start-up support from the US based institution. SeeNIH 1.2 Definition of Terms. An E3 has automatic SGLI coverage in what amount, unless reduced or declined by the member? All research resources including, but not limited to, foreign financial support, research or laboratory personnel, lab space, scientific materials, selection to a foreign talents or similar-type program, or other foreign or domestic support must be reported. Note: Before uploading to FastLane or, the information in the C&P forms pulled from the ERA C&P Tool will need to be transferred into the NSF Fillable PDF form downloaded from NSFs website. This section of NSFs website also provides FAQs for both the NSF Fillable PDF format of the C&P and the SciENcv version. You will complete this certification within the Universitys proposal submission system. Andrew Douglas Current and Pending Support (Other Support) Current and pending support information must be provided through an NSF-approved format for each individual designated as senior personnel on the proposal at the time of proposal submission. Further information about this requirement will be forthcoming soon. 3. Non-research consulting activities are not Other Support. Electronic Questionnaires for investigations Processing. C&Ps generated from this tool will download as a Word document but default to save as a webpage. Miniature decorations are not replaced by the Department of Navy. Requirements vary by agency and funding opportunity. Note: The requirement to use an NSF-approved format for preparation of current and pending support will go into effect for new proposals submitted or due on or after October 5, 2020. ORCID is a widely used persistent identifier, trusted by institutions of higher education, publishers, and funders. To ensure NSIPS/ESR date is accurate and up-to-date prior to detaching from a duty station, which of the following should be verified? FAL 2022-04, NASA Guidebook for Proposers Responding to a NASA Notice of Funding Opportunity, Institutionally Limited Proposals and Requesting Approval, Biographical Sketch Requirements by Sponsor, Current and Pending / Other Support Requirements by Sponsor, Conflict of Interest Business Procedure FAQs, Non-Domestic Influence Frequently Asked Questions, When and How to Check for Debarment/Suspension, PI has a specific level of Committed Effort, Describe the In-Kind on the Facilities, Equipment, and Other Section of the proposal, Program Directors, training faculty and others involved in the oversight of training grants. The format of this requirement varies by sponsor. Effective for all new NSF awards and funding amendments to existing NSF awards made on or after October 5, 2020, NSF has modified the Terms and Conditions of Award to include Article 38. Log In My Account fi. 3. For example, if visiting faculty or scholars who are supported by their home institution work in your lab on federally-funded research, that constitutes reportable support. The Current & Pending Tool (C&P tool) was developed to assist Research Advancement staff with the creation of Current & Pending (C&P) documents quickly and accurately. Failure to follow the appropriate formats on or after January 25, 2022 may cause NIH to withdraw applications from or delay consideration of funding. Adjust Person Months Effort:Create a simulation budget and update the appropriate person months effort. On June 1, 2022 the Department of Energy released a Financial Assistance Letter (FAL), No. OSP suggests that MSU key personnel provide a draft Other Support form for review prior to signing. This can also occur if the RA includes non-budgeted personnel within FP Smartform 1.2.1 Lead Unit, Investigators & Allocations but not within FP Smartform 1.1.1 Additional Personnel. This represents a change from the original May 25, 2021 requirement date for the updated formats and other support signatures. All current projects and activities that involve senior/key personnel, even if the support received is only in-kind (e.g. Sponsored project awards to MSU from non-domestic entities. The FCC was created by Congress in the Communications Act for the purpose of "regulating interstate and foreign . NSF has not released the schema or coding that ASU developers would need to use in order to update ERA to generate a C&P that NSF systems will see as identical to NSFs Fillable PDF form. The NOK may, If the Federal civil servant's employment ended. Overall, the Guide has been updated to align with the changes to NSFs Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 22-1). Post-award, recipients must address any substantive changes by submitting a prior approval request to NIH in accordance with the NIHGPS section on Administrative RequirementsChanges in Project and BudgetNIH Standard Terms of Award., Information on other active and pending support will be requested as part of the Just-in-Time procedures, Consult the NIH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), NIH defines Other Support to include [A]ll resources made available to researcher or senior/ key personnel in support of and/or related to all of their research endeavors, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value and regardless of whether they are based at the institution the researcher identifies for the current grant. However, if requested by NIH staff, the information may still need to be sent to NIH prior to the required date. In an effort to provide the community with helpful reference information regarding pre-award and post-award disclosure information in the biographical sketch and current and pending support proposal sections, NSF has developed a disclosure table entitled, NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support, to identify where these disclosures must be provided in proposals as well as in project reports. At this time, the requirement to provide copies of contracts and an electronic signature applies only to NIH awards. Further, if other support, as described as above, is obtained after the initial NIH award period, from any source either through the institution or directly to senior/key personnel, the details must be disclosed in the annual research performance progress report (RPPR). Individual Names:AWD Smartform2.0 Project Information> Subsection 8.0 Select other ASU personnel who will participate in this project: and Smartform 1.0 Award Setup > Subsection 2.0 Sponsor Principal Investigator (P/I), Person Months:Update Person Months activity in AWD (will automatically populate from the FP on AWDs created after 11/30/2020). Note that any visiting post doctoral fellows or visiting scholars who are funded directly by a foreign source must be approved in advance in accordance with the JHU Visitors Policy and disclosed to NIH as Other Support. Be sure to save as a Word document. Until the updates can be made, uncheck the box(es) to exclude the project(s) from the generated C&P. On March 25, 2021, NIH issued a notice informing the extramural community that NIH has updated its application forms and instructions to support the need for applicants and recipients to provide full transparency and disclosure of all research activities, foreign and domestic. The Current & Pending (C&P) Tool does not save manual entries within the tool itself (e.g., person months updates, checked/unchecked projects, NIH Goals, Overlap) instead, this data pulls from ERA Grants. You should also link your ORCID iD to JHU to prepare for possible future integration with local systems. Jon Links Name and address of the agencies and/or other parties supporting the other research projects. Sponsor will need to approve budget changes. NASA requires full disclosure of current and pending support from domestic and non-domestic sources. Including new personnel in a Rev FP does not automatically pull them into the personnel list on the Award side. Current grants are pulled from awards listed in ERA Awards (AWDs). 1 / 14. These activities are not in furtherance of an NIH grant. Gifts also do not need to be reported (see NSF's FAQs for their definition of a gift). Why is this occurring? Please contact your OSP representative if you have any questions. Circulate the document to the faculty for review and approval. This information will be updated as we learn of new requirements from federal agencies. - An active award is any ERA Award that is in one of the following status: Activation in Progress, Activation Hold, Active, or Expired. The person-months of effort per year being dedicated to the award or activity Who should I contactif I have additional questions about the ERA C&P Tool? As a reminder, Other Support must be disclosed at Just-in-Time when submitting K and T grants, as part of progress reports, and as otherwise required under specific funding programs. Click the card to flip . During that in-between time, you may need to add the new award to the C&P report manually. The total cost or value of the award or activity, including direct and indirect costs. Once added, the, This can also occur if the RA includes non-budgeted personnel within FP Smartform 1.2.1 Lead Unit, Investigators & Allocations but not within FP Smartform 1.1.1 Additional Personnel. See NIH Grant Guide Notice NOT-OD-21-073. On 18May2020, Navy Personnel Command launched the new BUPERS OnLine (BOL) NDAWS application. Use of the new format pages is preferred immediately and required for due dates and submissions on or after January 25, 2022 (NOT-OD-21-110). The C&P Tool provides a report for any individual who is named on a submitted FP or active Award, regardless of their role on the project. This change will impact all individuals listed as Key Personnel (PI, Co-PI, Co-I and other Key Personnel) when requesting federal research funding. Google Translate). Start typing the investigators name (first or last) inthe drop-down menu labeled Please select a PI andselect the individual from the list that appears. Consultant, Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) System. Additionally, the federal definition of research support that must be disclosed is very broad, and means: all resources made available, or expected to be made available, to an individual in support of the individuals research and development efforts, regardless of (1)whether the source of the resource is foreign or domestic; (2)whether the resource is made available through theentityapplying for a research and development award or directly to the individual; or (3)whether the resource has monetary value [Research support] includes in-kind contributions requiring a commitment of time and directly supporting the individuals research and development efforts, such as the provision of office or laboratory space, equipment, supplies, employees, or students.. Note: Cost shared effort is not currently incorporated into the person months effort in the ERA C&P Tool. Contact Us Home; Central/Discovery(DP) Park Pre-, 3. The C&P form that is pulled from ERA is not currently compliant with NSF systems and will not pass NSF validations. See NIH Grant Guide NOT-OD-19-114. Submitting Other Support information at the Just-in-Time stage: UPDATE 6/16/21: NSF has created a disclosure table entitled, NSF Pre-award and Post-award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support, to help determine where disclosures should be provided. In order to add new personnel to an ERA Award, an Award Change Request will need to be submitted in the AWD (followWI-EP-130; see Changes to Key Personnel section) to add the new personnel. 2. If no effort is listed in the budget, the PI will need to estimate how many person months they expect to dedicate to this project. Give JHU access to your ORCID record. The Current and Pending Support Form assists in identifying potential scientific, budgetary or commitment overlap in financial assistance awards. NSF has published a revised version of the NSF Application Guide (NSF 21-084). Should this activity be disclosed as Other Support? 2. I understand that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, misrepresentations, half-truths, or omissions of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or otherwise. The C&P tool can be accessed within ERA by navigating to Grants > Reportsor through the Grants > Dashboard under Quick Links. In general, any principal investigator or co-investigator and anyone who would qualify as key personnel are considered covered individuals.. Baltimore, MD 21218, (443) 927-3073 This includes proposals and awards that the individual participated with, that were not routed through MSUs research administration system. Please note that NASA proposals for other types of awards may have different requirements; please check the program solicitation and direct any questions to your OSP Proposal Team. The award or other identifying number. The table below lists the SmartForms that the C&P Tool uses to identify if a submitted proposal or active award should be pulled into an individuals C&P report and how this information can be updated. We are currently working with IT, the Office of General Counsel, and others on the process by which this will be operationalized. For in-kind contributions intended for use on the project being proposed to NSF, the information must be included as part of the Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources section and not duplicated on the current and pending support. Step 4 - Once an award has been submitted into BOL NDAWS, the application will create a digitally-signed 1650/3 and upload it along with the wet-signed certificate to the OMPF. (18 U.S.C. Why doesnt the NIH overlap text save anywhere? 14. . If the time commitment or dollar value of the in-kind contribution is not readily ascertainable, the recipient must provide reasonable estimates. This past October, NSF approved the use of SciENcv to create an NSF Biosketch for proposal preparation. The total amount of support the individual is receiving in connection to each of the other research projects or will receive if other proposals are awarded. Until the updates can be made, uncheck the box(es) to exclude the project(s) from the generated C&P.