The Quiet Revolution was particularly characterized by the 1962 Liberal Party's slogan "Matres chez nous" ("Masters in our own house"), which, to the Anglo-American conglomerates that dominated the economy and natural resources of Quebec, announced a collective will for freedom of the French-Canadian people. It accounts for 8% of the Quebec's GDP and generate $19.2billion. Sports in Quebec constitutes an essential dimension of Quebec culture. [178], Quebec law is influenced by two judicial traditions (civil law and common law) and four classic sources of law (legislation, case law, doctrine and customary law). Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Val-d'Or) but also in Northeastern Ontario. The Story of the Give Something Back Foundation (3:51), Life Lesson: Making the Right Decisions for Profitability, Scholarship Dollars Well Spent: A Compelling Success Story, Theres No Shortage of Jobs for Grads of Williamson Give Backs Trade School Partner. [209] French is the common language, understood and spoken by 94% of the population. This act allowed Canadiens to regain their civil customs, return to the seigneural system, regain certain rights (including the use of the French language), and reappropriate their old territories: Labrador, the Great Lakes, the Ohio Valley, Illinois Country and the Indian Territory.[57]. Chicago, IL 60606, The Grainger College of Engineering Quebec's highest point at 1,652 metres (5,420ft) is Mont d'Iberville, known in English as Mount Caubvick. Notable public agencies to catalogue and further develop Qubcois culture include the Bibliothque et Archives nationales du Qubec, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Qubec and Tl-Qubec. Quebec is well known for producing maple syrup, for its comedy, and for making hockey one of the most popular sports in Canada. In 2020, school boards were replaced by school service centres. The Quebec courts are organized in a pyramid. We are honored to partner with GSBF, which is investing in New Jersey students and entrusting us with them as they work to achieve their goals., Added R.J. Tallarida, Rowans associate vice president for University Advancement and executive director of the Rowan University Foundation, Bob Carr is a visionary leader who understands the value of higher education. On July 15, 1867, Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau became Quebec's first premier. In 1978, the Naskapis joined the agreement when the Northeastern Quebec Agreement was signed. The Carillon Sacr-Coeur and French merchant flag went on to be the major inspirations for creating Quebec's current flag in 1903, called the Fleurdelis. On July 3, 1608, with the support of King Henry IV, he founded the Habitation de Qubec (now Quebec City) and made it the capital of New France and its regions (which, at the time, were Acadia, Canada and Plaisance in Newfoundland). Coureurs des bois and Catholic missionaries used river canoes to explore the interior of the North American continent and establish fur trading forts.[30][31]. Robert Carr's rise from gentle beginnings to being a pioneer of industry, and how he has maintained his integrity along the way, is a story . There are 34 health establishments in Quebec, 22 of which are an Integrated Health and Social Services Centre[fr] (CISSS). As the war went on, more and more English Canadians voiced support for conscription, despite firm opposition from French Canada. Working-class young people need a college degree to earn a living wage in today's economy. The deciduous forest of the Great LakesSt. [108] After three subsequent Liberal governments, the Parti Qubcois regained power in 2012 and its leader, Pauline Marois, became the first female premier of Quebec. Our students complete their education at rates that far exceed expectations. The forest industry has slowed in recent years because of the softwood lumber dispute. by Bob | May 11, 2017 | Beyond, Media. Quebec has also contributed to the creation of some Canadian artificial satellites including SCISAT-1, ISIS, Radarsat-1 and Radarsat-2. Attached to these levels are the options to also attend professional development opportunities, classes for adults, and continuing education. Many were passed on through generations by what French speaking Qubcois refer to as raconteurs, or storytellers. 978--252-04110-5. In 1909, the government passed a law obligating wood and pulp to be transformed in Quebec, which helped slow the Grande Hmorragie by allowing Quebec to export its finished products to the US instead of its labour force. This union, unsurprisingly, was the main source of political instability until 1867. Its construction began in 1647, when it was known under the name Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix, and it was finished in 1664. Five students each received $5,000 a year for four years. In 1997, he founded a payments processing company, Heartland Payment Systems, a Fortune 1000 company that grew and thrived under his leadership. As of 2020, the average Qubcois lifespan was 82.3 years. In 2016, the Mohawk reserves of Kahnawake and Doncaster 17 along with the Indian settlement of Kanesatake and Lac-Rapide, a reserve of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake, were not counted. Thanks to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Quebec was, as of 2009[update], experiencing an increase in its ability to compete on the international market. [329] April Fools' Day is called Poisson d'Avril ("April's Fish") because while pulling pranks is still important, there is another major tradition: sticking fish-shaped paper cutouts to people's backs without them noticing.[330]. In 1968, class conflicts and changes in mentalities intensified. Gradually, the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada, who represented the people, came into conflict with the superior authority of the Crown and its appointed representatives. The Give Something Back Foundation has two more very big announcements to make. In the beginning, Canada East was under-represented because of its superior population size. [236] In 2011, Quebec experienced faster growth of its research-and-development (R&D) spending than other Canadian provinces. While the cost of higher education is climbing, students are taking on more debt, according to The Institute for College Access & Success, 70 percent of New Jersey students carry debt, averaging $28,109. When Robert was accepted as a student at the University of Illinois, he received a $250 scholarship from the Lockport Woman's Club. The Court of Appeal renders more than 1,500 judgments per year. [110] In 2018, the Coalition Avenir Qubec won the provincial general elections. Among the theatre troupes are the Compagnie Jean-Duceppe, the Thtre La Rubrique, and the Thtre Le Grenier. The Compagnie des Cent-Associs, which had been granted a royal mandate to manage New France in 1627, introduced the Custom of Paris and the seigneurial system, and forbade settlement in New France by anyone other than Roman Catholics. [93] That year, Option Quebec sparked a constitutional debate on the political future of the province by pitting federalist and sovereignist doctrines against each other. Traditional dishes like tourtire or cipte are offered, and rigaudon, spoon and/or violin may be played. The northeastern Franco-Ontarians of today, which are primarily concentrated in Timmins, Hearst, Moosonee and Sault Sainte Marie, are the descendants of emigrants from Quebec who worked in the mines of the area. These are necessary for our site to function properly and to create the best possible online experience. The Premier of Quebec, presently Franois Legault, acts as head of government. This act confines First Nations within the reserves created for them. They are administered by the Ministre de la Famille et des Ans du Qubec. The award is named after Jill Carr's late parents, William Jackson, who. The Socit de dveloppement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) works to promote and fund individuals working in the cultural industry. Give Back students come from diverse backgrounds, but most have overcome significant barriers. . [242] Because of the remoteness of Hydro-Qubec's Transnergie division, it operates the largest electricity transmission network in North America. [196] The Indigenous communities of Quebec have their own police forces. These losses were significant since Plaisance Bay was the primary communication route between New France and France, and Acadia contained 5,000 Acadians. Fuelled by the ever-growing student debt problem and studies that suggest family wealth is the greatest predictor of a child's likelihood of graduating from college, Bob founded the Give Something Back Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. During the spring of 1760, the Chevalier de Lvis besieged Quebec City and forced the British to entrench themselves during the Battle of Sainte-Foy. Dave Evensen, College of LAS, The $250 to me (meant) somebody believed in me, Carr said, years later, and wanted me to go to college. [166] By some measures Quebec is the most taxed province;[167] a 2012 study indicated that "Quebec companies pay 26 per cent more in taxes than the Canadian average". The Tuesday following Thanksgiving, commonly recognized as Giving Tuesday, Carr's foundation presented a $1 million check to the University to provide full scholarships for 50 students. For exports, it leans on the key industries of aeronautics, hydroelectricity, mining, pharmaceuticals, aluminum, wood, and paper. Starting in 1791, the government of Lower Canada was criticized and contested by the Parti canadien. The Fleurdelis replaced the Union Jack on Quebec's Parliament Building on January 21, 1948. In Paris, a place du Qubec was inaugurated in 1980. On October 30, 2003, the National Assembly voted unanimously to affirm "that the people of Qubec form a nation". When walking in any city or town, one can come across buildings with styles congruent to Classical, Neo-Gothic, Roman, Neo-Renaissance, Greek Revival, Neo-Classical, Qubcois Neo-Classical, Victorian, Second Empire, Modern, Post-modern or Skyscrapers. Quebec produces most of Canada's hydroelectricity and is the second biggest hydroelectricity producer in the world (2019). [189] The major exception to the principle of general jurisdiction is that the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal have exclusive jurisdiction over some areas of federal law, such as review of federal administrative bodies, federal taxes, and matters relating to national security.[190]. At the level of the Senate of Canada, Quebec is represented by 24 senators, which are appointed on the advice of the prime minister of Canada. 312", "La population des municipalits du Qubec au 1er juillet 2017", "Profil statistique de l'habitation au Qubec 20182019", "Census Profile, 2016 Census Quebec [Province] and Canada [Country]", "Incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and Indian settlements", "Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population", "Un Qubcois sur deux ne croit pas en Dieu", "Basilique-cathdrale Notre-Dame de Qubec", "The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Quebec, Canada", "Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population Profile table Quebec [Province]", "Tableau statistique canadien - Chapitre 3", "Focus on Geography Series, 2011 Census Province of Quebec", "Le francais parl de la Nouvelle-France", "Le francais dans tous ses etats au quebec et au canada", "Caractristiques linguistiques des Canadiens", "Population n'ayant qu'une seule langue maternelle, rgions administratives du Qubec, 2001", "Knowledge of Aboriginal Languages (90), Knowledge of Languages: Single and Multiple Language Responses (3), Aboriginal Identity (9), Aboriginal Mother Tongue (11), Registered or Treaty Indian Status (3) and Age (12) for the Population in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data", "Recensement du Canada de 2016: Tableaux de donnes Langue maternelle (10), langue parle le plus souvent la maison (10), autre(s) langue(s) parle(s) rgulirement la maison (11), connaissance des langues officielles (5), premire langue officielle parle (5), ge (7) et sexe (3) pour la population l'exclusion des rsidents d'un tablissement institutionnel du Canada, provinces et territoires, rgions mtropolitaines de recensement et agglomrations de recensement, Recensement de 2016 - Donnes intgrales (100%)", "Nouvelles perspectives dmolinguistiques du Qubec et de la rgion de Montral, 2001-2051", "Proportion de la population selon la langue maternelle dclare, pour diffrentes rgions au Canada, Recensement de 2016", "Grand Conseil des Cris (Eeyou Istchee)/Gouvernement de la Nation Crie", "Bienvenue sur le site Internet de la Socit MakivikAu service des Inuit du Nunavik depuis 1978", "L'Acadie du Qubec - Du 29 mars au 31 mai 1998", Centre d'tudes acadiennes, Universit de Moncton, "Canadian Federal and Provincial Fiscal Tables", "L'expertise qubcoise en haute technologie", "L'conomie du savoir en mutation au Qubec", "Aperu du march: Le Canada, deuxime producteur mondial d'hydrolectricit", "Le Qubec, la puissance nergtique verte du continent? Thesis Format Review Guidelines, Online Master of Computer Science in Data Science, Illinois Computing Accelerator for Non-Specialists (iCAN), Graduate Student Annual Evaluation Process, MCS On-Campus General Advising for Registration, NSF Expeditions in Computing: Mind in Vitro, Architecture, Compilers, and Parallel Computing, Programming Languages, Formal Methods, and Software Engineering, Research Opportunities for Undergraduates, CS Student Ambassadors/Research Scholars (CS STARS), CS Student Ambassadors/Research Scholars- Application Information, Equity & Justice in Computing Seminar Series, Computer Science Visionary Scholarship Donors, Thomas M. Siebel Center for Computer Science. The Scholarship sends students to Rowan University, TCNJ, and now Montclair State, where Carr presented a $1 million check today. The Sret du Qubec fulfills the role of municipal police in the 1038 municipalities that do not have a municipal police force. The Promise and Peril Facing Blue-Collar America, Providing students with economic hardships the hope of a higher education. Give Back Scholars participate in programming and receive coaching throughout high school to prepare them for an education and a career. Cumberland County Campus Educational Foundation. [54], After the British officially acquired Canada in 1763, the British government established a constitution for the newly acquired territory, under the Royal Proclamation. [253][254], The pulp and paper industry industry accounted for 3.1% of Quebec's GDP in 2007 [255] and generated annual shipments valued at more than $14billion. Two months later, France ceded the western part of Louisiana and the Mississippi River Delta to Spain via the Treaty of Fontainebleau. Given a warmer climate, the diversity of organisms is also higher: there are about 850 plant species and 280 vertebrate species. Start your academic journey at Rowan College in a few, easy steps. New certificate program for college graduates who want a deeper understanding of computers, algorithms, and programming. In 1690, the Battle of Quebec became the first time Quebec City's defences were tested. Quebec, like other Canadian provinces, also maintains representatives in some Canadian embassies and consulates general. Yet financial obstacles and a cynical belief that the system benefits only the comfortable and connected seem to place a university education off-limits to tens of millions of Americans. Quebec (/k(w)bk/ k(w)ih-BEK;[a] French: Qubec [kebk] (listen))[11] is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. by Bob | Jun 8, 2015 | Give Back, Media | 2 comments. [81] However, as early as 1948, French Canadian society began to develop new ideologies and desires in response to significant societal changes such as new inventions like the television, the baby boom, workers' conflicts, electrification of the countryside, emergence of a middle class, the rural exodus and urbanization, expansion of universities and bureaucracies, creation of a motorway system, renaissance of literature and poetry, and others. [29] Several missionary groups arrived in New France after the founding of Quebec City, like the Recollects in 1615, the Jesuits in 1625 and the Supliciens in 1657. A list of registration dates, closings, and more. Website Policies, Give Back helps students who face significant financial challenges and those who have experienced barriers to success such, as foster care, homelessness, or the incarceration of a parent. [82][83] In 1960, the Liberal Party of Quebec was brought to power with a two-seat majority, having campaigned with the slogan "C'est l'temps qu'a change" ("It's time for things to change"). The charity has already prepaid for over 1,000 students to go to 14 colleges in five states, and continues to grow. Quebec's forests[fr] are essentially public property. A few political institutions have also been created over time: The subject of Acadians in Quebec[fr] is an important one as more than a million Qubcois are of Acadian descent, with roughly 4.8 million Qubcois possessing one or multiple Acadian ancestors in their genealogy tree, because a large number of Acadians had fled Acadia to take refuge in Quebec during the Great Upheaval. One of the things I think is unintended discrimination is to set a low bars for people because they have issues. Right now, it may just be through mentoring and volunteering, but if I ever will be able to give back financially; I will definitely do that as well., Knowing that I will be the first person from my immediate family to possess a four year college degree makes me proud, which motivates me to continue to work hard., I am proud to be a part of Give Back because the community is made up of some of the best people I have ever met. Carr made a vow to help others receive the same opportunities as himself, so he formed the Give Something Back Foundation in 2003. University partners work with Give Back to combine resources and expertise to give students a chance at a college degree. From New France, Quebec literature was first developed in the travel accounts of explorers. This is the case, for example, with human rights and freedoms which are governed by the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, a Charter which applies to both government and citizens. Delegations from the other nine provinces and the federal government reached an agreement in the absence of Quebec's delegation, which had left for the night. In order to combat this, the Church adopted the revenge of the cradle policy. And those students who are challenged academically, we do make tutors available, we provide mentors. [88][89] In 1966, the Union Nationale was re-elected and continued on with major reforms. These areas, listed in order from the northernmost to the southernmost are: the tundra, the taiga, the Canadian boreal forest (coniferous), mixed forest and deciduous forest. They made a Declaration of Independence in 1838, guaranteeing human rights and equality for all citizens without discrimination. First, it is the general court of appeal for all legal issues from the lower courts. [176] Quebec is a member of the Assemble parlementaire de la Francophonie and of the Organisation internationale de la francophonie. Our coaches help students evaluate their post-secondary options, identify the most affordable choices, and pinpoint the best financial aid offers, 4. Quebec's economy has traditionally been fuelled by abundant natural resources and a well-developed infrastructure, but has undergone significant change over the past decade. [286] Montreal is ranked fourth in North America for the number of jobs in the pharmaceutical sector. Furthermore, unlike elsewhere in Canada, law in Quebec is mixed: private law is exercised under a civil-law system, while public law is exercised under a common-law system. Williamson provides an Associate in Specialized Technology degree. Early variations in the spelling included Qubecq and Kbec. The head of government in Quebec is the premier (called premier ministre in French), who leads the largest party in the unicameral National Assembly (Assemble Nationale) from which the Executive Council of Quebec is appointed. [99] The 1982 amendments apply to Quebec despite Quebec never having consented to it. Robert Carr experienced decades of struggle that took him to the brink of home foreclosure at age fifty. In 1885, liberal and conservative MPs formed the Parti national out of anger with the previous government for not having interceded in the execution of Louis Riel.[72]. Heres another number: 90 percent. [328], Quebecois can also have different ways of celebrating certain holidays. Decisions of those bodies can be reviewed by the two trial courts, the Court of Quebec the Superior Court of Quebec. 1. Quebec's topography is very different from one region to another due to the varying composition of the ground, the climate, and the proximity to water. [174], In 2008, Quebec imported $178 billion worth of goods and services, or 58.6% of its GDP. The foundations mission aligns with Rowans commitment to make higher education more affordable and accessible for students in New Jersey. [243] By 2017, 47% of all energy came from renewable sources. [218] Furthermore, 45,570 people declared having an Indigenous language as their mother tongue. Hydro-Qubec operates 63 hydroelectric power stations and 28 large reservoirs. to adults from similar backgrounds who have found success. The Socit des tablissements de plein air du Qubec (SEPAQ) is the main body responsible for the management of national parks and wildlife reserves. Of this number, 78,000 are employed by the banking sector, 53,000 by the insurance sector and 20,000 by the securities and investment sector. Several circus troupes were created in recent decades, the most important being the Cirque du Soleil. Some of the most important national Qubcois companies include: Bombardier, Desjardins, the National Bank of Canada, the Jean Coutu Group, Transcontinental mdia, Quebecor, the Mtro Inc. food retailers, Hydro-Qubec, the Socit des alcools du Qubec, the Bank of Montreal, Saputo, the Cirque du Soleil, the Caisse de dpt et placement du Qubec, the Normandin restaurants, and Vidotron. Their 9 alumineries produce 2,9 million tons of aluminum annually and employ 30,000 workers.[262]. [266] These employees work in the more than 29,000 tourism-related businesses in Quebec, most of which are restaurants or hotels. The Quiet Revolution was a period of intense modernization, secularization and social reform where, in a collective awakening, French Canadians clearly expressed their concern and dissatisfaction with their inferior socioeconomic position and the cultural assimilation of francophone minorities in the English-majority provinces. Now thanks to the generosity of the two entrepreneurs, five Princeton High School students from the class of 2019 and five students from the class of 2020 will be able to go through college debt-free. The Quebec Resolutions were implemented as the British North America Act, 1867, passed by the British Parliament at the request of the governments of the Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, following the London Conference of 1866. Robert Carr (Photo courtesy of Give Something Back Foundation.) The National Film Board of Canada (NFB), a federal Crown corporation, provides for the same mission in Canada. Quebec also has other types of establishments in its healthcare system, such as Centre local de services communautaires (CLSC), Centre d'hbergement et de soins de longue dure (CHSLD), Centre de radaptation and Centre de protection de l'enfance et de la jeunesse. He focused on defending provincial autonomy, Quebec's Catholic and francophone heritage, and laissez-faire liberalism instead of the emerging welfare state. First Chance explores the remarkablestudents who, despite considerable adversity, triumph over the odds when they are simply lent a hand. Aboriginal rights were enunciated in the Indian Act and adopted at the end of the 19th century. [157] On November 23, 2009, Jean Charest announced Quebec's greenhouse gas reduction targets at the Copenhagen conference: Quebec intended to reduce its emissions by 20% by 2020 (compared to the emissions of 1990) and focus on the transportation sector, which accounts for 40% of GHG emissions in Quebec. The rural part of the landscape is divided into narrow rectangular tracts of land that extend from the river and date back to the seigneurial system. Further south is the Eastern Canadian Shield taiga ecoregion and the Central Canadian Shield forests. [91] The meetings of the Estates General of French Canada in November 1967 marked a tipping point where relations between francophones of America, and especially francophones of Canada, ruptured. [295], Various other transport networks crisscross the province of Quebec, including hiking trails, snowmobile trails and bike paths. [227][228][229][230], Quebec houses an Acadian community spread out across several regions. This year, the foundation expanded the program to New Jersey, and Rowan is the states first college to join as a partner. [117] The Saint Lawrence River has some of the world's largest sustaining inland Atlantic ports. I dont think Ive ever seen or heard of someone having the blessing of a zero dollar balance for their college charges., I will continue to give back to [Give Back]as much as I can. The Court of Quebec is the main criminal trial court, and also a court for small civil claims. On the night of November 4, 1981, the Kitchen Accord took place. [137] Avian fauna includes birds of prey like the golden eagle, the peregrine falcon, the snowy owl and the bald eagle. In 1864, negotiations began for Canadian Confederation between the provinces of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The Prix du Qubec is an award given by the government to confer the highest distinction and honour to individuals demonstrating exceptional achievement in their respective cultural field. He and his foundation will transform the lives of thousands of students seeking access to a high-quality education.. Through its linguistic recommendations, the GDT fights against the invasion of Frenglish into the French language. It was interesting and noteworthy that you selected Rowan University as the recipient of your scholarship aid. The mixed forest is a transition zone between the Canadian boreal forest and deciduous forest. Further south, the climate is conducive to the growth of the Canadian boreal forest, bounded on the north by the taiga. [174] Products of American culture like songs, movies, fashion and food strongly affect Qubcois culture. . [268][269][270] Its most developed sectors are telecommunications, multimedia and video game software, computer services, microelectronics, and the components sector. The Film Festival of the 3 Americas, the Festival of International Short Film, the World Film Festival and the Festival of New Cinema are other annual events surrounding the film industry in Quebec. [298], A 2021 Ipsos poll found that 85% of Quebecers agree that their health care system is too bureaucratic to respond to the needs of the population.[299]. [95][96] In the 1980 referendum on sovereignty, 60% of the votes were against. As access to new lands remained problematic because they were still monopolized by the Clique du Chteau, an exodus of Canadiens towards New England began and went on for the next one hundred years. Quebec has created and is home to several different comedy festivals, including the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal, as well as the Grand Rire festivals of Quebec, Gatineau and Sherbrooke. In addition, Quebec has almost 12,000 bridges, tunnels, retaining walls, culverts and other structures[291] such as the Quebec Bridge, the Laviolette Bridge and the Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine BridgeTunnel. However, its military troops failed to defeat the British counteroffensive during its Invasion of Quebec in 1775. [55] From this point on, the Canadiens were subordinated to the government of the British Empire and circumscribed to a region of the St. Lawrence Valley and Anticosti Island called the Province of Quebec. At the time of the European explorations of the 1500s, there were eleven Indigenous peoples: the Inuit and ten First Nations the Abenakis, Algonquins (or Anichinabs), Atikamekw, Cree, Huron-Wyandot, Maliseet (also known as Wolastoqiyik or Etchemin), Mikmaqs, Iroquois, Innu (or Montagnais) and Naskapis. Most Canadiens remained neutral, although some patriotic regiments allied themselves with the Americans in the Saratoga campaign of 1777. Quebec accounts for a little under 23% of the Canadian population. We help our students identify other state grants and private scholarships and apply to those programs as well, 3. [132] From the Abitibi-Tmiscamingue to the North Shore, the forest is composed primarily of conifers such as the Abies balsamea, the jack pine, the white spruce, the black spruce and the tamarack. [294], Quebec's air network includes 43 airports that offer scheduled services on a daily basis. [17] At the time, Algonquians organized into seven political entities and lived nomadic lives based on hunting, gathering, and fishing. [180] The Droit civil du Qubec[fr] is the primary component of Quebec's private law and is codified in the Civil Code of Quebec. [58] Dissatisfied with the many rights granted to Canadiens and wanting to use the British legal system to which they were accustomed, the Loyalists protested to British authorities until the Constitutional Act of 1791 was enacted, dividing the Province of Quebec into two distinct colonies starting from the Ottawa River: Upper Canada to the west (predominantly Anglo-Protestant) and Lower Canada to the east (predominantly Franco-Catholic). roc, Your email address will not be published. The application process is open to all incoming high school students.