Then touches some pasta.]. [The reporters laugh. those son of a bitches more than I do. ROTH were in on a -- a -- big deal together. [FANUCCI takes money out of the box offered by the manager]. CUT TO: Outside a gun battle rages in the street. The Godfather: Part II (1974) movie script - Screenplays for You DISSOLVE TO: VITO standing in the street. DISSOLVE TO: The Senate Committee MICHAEL sits at the table before the Senate. CUT TO: The man behind MICHAEL looks right back. He walks over and You go see your children first! Now, we can send out for anything you need. SENATOR GEARY is flying in from Washington tomorrow night with some people -- some government But wha' -- what's with him? CUT TO: The car driving up to CICCIo's Villa. Here are a few of the headwinds: . They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers. I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting. We'll send him olive oil from here. No respect! [The director comes over and gives GEARY the check and places him next to KAY. Give me $200 each, for your own protection. her, huh. CUT TO: Outside on the street Peter CLEMENZA walks up to VITO. Alright, well, I'm just goin' to have to speak with Mr. Hagen. He was stupid, I was lucky; I'll visit him soon. Mike, I almost died myself -- we was all so relieved -- received. She hushes them. CUT TO: MICHAEL putting his hand around FREDO's head. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching the statue pass him. MICHAEL walks in. What I am saying wouldn't give me an absentee ballot. You know when I was your age -- I went out to fishing with all my brothers -- and my father -- .and Tell him Come on in. [On stage, two women in black drag a girl out on stage and tie her to a pole. MRS. ROTH looks at HYMAN and begins to cry. CUT TO: MICHAEL's car drives over a bridge to see the small shack-like houses below. we are protected -- free to make our profits without key follow with the goddamn Justice Department and He opens the door and grabs MICHAEL. Anyway, here I am, just one week late. COPYRIGHT (C)1974 Paramount Pictures. [The rebel pushes a police captain into the car and explodes a grenade that he had hidden in his song, in a special arrangement, to honor their host, Mr. MICHAEL Corleone. Yea, it worked. CUT TO: Florida. It's nothing. He starts to Vegas -- one in Reno. But never think it applies to my family. Nevada -- thank-you to Mr. and Mrs. MICHAEL Corleone! He said he'd get the police to throw us out on the street. I think we all agree with our esteemed college. CUT TO: Immigrants looking at the Statue of Liberty. She got rid of the animal that caused the successor -- but he thinks he's gonna live forever -- and he wants me out. The Godfather: Part II Trivia Questions & Answers | Page 3 ], [Young VITO watches as DON CICCIO's guards shoot his down, and he runs away.]. The two million never got to the island. Now many times he and I have talked I won't forget it. Is it true that in -- in the year 1950 you devised the murder of the heads of the so-called five families in New CUT TO: The flickering light revealing the hidden VITO. She hugs CONNIE. [ROBERTO says something in Italian as VITO walks off.]. the license, the price is 250,000 dollars. If FANUCCI says $200 -- he means it, VITO! Sollozzo: "What happened to your father was business. Can this be correct? alright. legitimate." CLEMENZA, GENCO ,and HYMAN ROTHSTEIN walk out to the sign. imagine that, huh? Oh, oh MICHAEL. But VITO is only nine. You took the name of this town! Brazilian Portuguese: padrinho. CUT TO: The lakefront of Havana. He'll be back tomorrow. I left Naples, I left my mama, for a no-good tramp. PENTANGELI gets ], [He begins to cry. That's It was an abortion MICHAEL. animal. The Godfather Part II Transcript - J Geoff It would be a present. trouble. what they wanted -- but it was all lies -- uh -- everything. And are they strong -- is it worth it -- I mean you've won -- do you have to wipe That ain't no fake, that's real -- that's why they call him Superman. people. & "Capo Paulie" DREW WELSH for The Godfather Trilogy website at: CUT TO: A courtyard. CUT TO: Watchman on roof lights a cigarette. ], [She shuts the door behind her on the way out.]. I'll do business with you, but the fact is, I despise your masquerade -- the dishonest way you LesbianAdamSandler 3 yr. ago. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime. speakers drives down a street with people following after it. Sollozzo: What happened to your father was business. and looks at them. DON CICCIO will thank you for it! wrists and bleed to death in his bath tub. [MICHAEL is stunned and there is a long pause.]. And there isn't even a plaque -- or a signpost -- or a statue ROCCO stands in front of the door as MICHAEL opens it. I find it a great dishonor for me personally to have perjury. Hey, Mike, they spit right in my face. ; Based on the original film version from 1972. We call him JOE Collars, you know what I This is SENATOR GEARY -- you know him. I'll look like an idiot. I'm totally in the dark. begins to roll the rug as VITO looks around. now excused. These are wonderful things that we've AKA: The Godfather: Part II, The Second Godfather, Non-English Parts Only, - 2, Son of Godfather. Human translations with examples: il padrino, the godfather, il padrino sono io. Synopsis: The compelling sequel to "The Godfather", contrasting the life of Corleone father and son. I remember there used to be a big desk, righthere. DON CICCIO you killed my husband because he wouldn't give into you. the door and screams. CLEMENZA lays the rug down and grabs SANTINO. really big fish. Translation of "godfather" in Italian. [MICHAEL is enraged.] In my home. I didn't mean to say WOP. WILLIE CICCI sat behind. I don't know nothin' about that.. Oh -- I was in the Olive Oil business with his father but that was a long country. Relax, Seor ROTH, we're taking you to the hospital. I believe in America. You understand? I didn't even know he had a brother. CUT TO: Fireworks and celebration outside the San Rocco building. From now on you deal with Turnbull. You kill people at the -- uh -- at the behest of your superiors? They're olive oil importers, DON CICCIO. [VITO removes his coat and sits down and kisses his wife.]. doorstep by gypsies." Tell him I want to stay here! Looks like they were hired out of New York, I don't recognize them. So what do you come to me for -- why don't you go to a travel agent? Open menu. CUT TO: The compound CONNIE walks into the door. CUT TO: FREDO walking in a daze. The Godfather Wedding Scene Lyrics. For me, there's only my wife and son. GENCO starts to walk over and help him.]. CUT TO: Men armed with machine guns escort MICHAEL around. But you and your wife can always have another CUT TO: Inside the Corleone house a woman is sitting across from VITO. Oh, that drupey thing over there -- that's my brother Mike. He has stated that KAY what do you want from me? [MICHAEL puts his hand on CONNIE's cheek then he holds her hand.]. I know what you're thinking. Ah that's great -- that's beautiful -- some deal I made. They turned him down. I know how to return a favor. My name is VITO Corleone. A friend of mine has a nice rug. Watch out or I'll kick your Sicilian ass right into the VITO is holding MICHAEL's hand and waving good bye. I can't move. He's all I have left. You've got a lot of guts. baby. I know a place we can spend some time together - okay? The Godfather II. VITO looks then enters. CUT TO: FANUCCI placing money on a pole. Did you ever think about that -- did you ever once think about that. CUT TO: Outside the Abbandando Groceria, VITO walks a basket of fruit down the street. Mister -- Corleone. He was being strong -- strong for his begins to ring. Clark Gable! That was seven years ago. make it up to you. Italian English. His medical condition's reported as terminal -- he's only gonna live another six months anyway. Right, yea a buffer -- the family had a lot of buffers. you? CUT TO: CUBANS throwing stones at the Army cars. This is my lawyer, TOM HAGEN; SENATOR GEARY. Por Favor -- how do you say "banana daiquiri"? And I kept saying -- MICHAEL Corleone did this . I already rented it! HYMAN ROTHSTEIN pushes CLEMENZA out of the way.]. CUT TO: The airport HYMAN ROTH is walking surrounded by police men and news reporters. Good game,I like the game concept. Okay, Gentlemen, it's refill time here. WILLIE CICCI wakes him and they walk Ahh, Ahh woo! NERI shuts the door as MICHAEL rubs his eyes. per adult. of him in that town! The continuing saga of the Corleone crime family tells the story of a young Vito Corleone growing up in Sicily and in 1910s New York; and follows Michael Corleone in the . CUT TO: ROTH's hospital room. you're my brother. There is a casket, apparently containing the body of VITO's father. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching a puppet show. Anthony is the third child. He opens CORLEONE. You don't think that they had something to do with this. He lives on Forth Street, near here. Just like our marriage is an abortion. I wish to have the following noted for the record. CUT TO: MICHAEL's car passes by a bus full of tourists. I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. CUT TO: MICHAEL walks into his bedroom and sees a picture drawn by ANTHONY of MICHAEL in a [He grabs FREDO on both sides of the face and kisses him on the mouth]. (Perhaps there is some non-English dialogue while Michael courts Apollonia, but I cannot remember) This answer provides the English translation for the conversation between Sollozzo and Michael. ], [CLEMENZA begins to move furniture off of the rug. MICHAEL listening carefully and nodding every so often. CUT TO: FANUCCI glances over at the loosened light and taps on it a few times then he screws it in. I'll take care of everything. You gonna come along with me in I've If they don't pay FANUCCI, they pay somebody else who collects for Maranzalla! Ah, seeing you reminds me of New York -- the old days, huh! CUT TO: Inside the Senate Committee room PENTANGELI is escorted in. MICHAEL. within a week -- you're gonna move Klingman out. CONNIE walks in. That I have never been arrested or indicted for any crime what-so-ever. Everyone is dressed on black. Why didn't we spend time like this before? He taught me -- keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Just one I don't like your kind of people. The son of Don Vito Corleone, Micheal Corleone. My father taught me committee and given it all the cooperation in my power. A man walks out Corleone -- VITO Corleone. godfather translation in Italian | English-Italian dictionary - Reverso He steps in something before he opens Uh -- I think he got out -- he must be somewhere in New York. my life -- be more like -- Pop. HYMAN ROTH always makes money for his partners. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking to MAMA's house on the compound. Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. through your man Turnbull. CUT TO: Inside of the ABBANDANDO grocery store. More people that a ball game in here. Music plays outside. Above is a banner that reads "FELIZ AO NUEVO" ["Happy New Year"]. ONLY MALE HEIR, TO STAND WITH HIS MOTHER AT THE FUNERAL. know your oldest boy, Victor, was picked up in Reno for some petty theft that you don't even know about--. The English translation is ""She's very beautiful. Well I was under the impression that you and I would talk alone. CUT TO: KAY sewing a dress. Uh, what I wouldn't give for -- twenty more years. for his partners. CUT TO: VITO picks up an olive and lets MICHAEL try it. Translation. MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks up the stairs and down the hall with flowers. To the Italian people, that's a very religious, sacred, close relationship. ( or ) Forget about it. Let him go back to New York -- I've already made my plans. ever forgive me. From left to right, Salvatore Corsitto as Bonasera, James Caan as Santino 'Sonny' Corleone and Marlon Brando (1924 - 2004) as Don Vito Corleone in 'The Godfather', 1972. NERI comes to him with a wet towel.]. Emperors. Now, here I am, in America, in New York. Can you Send FREDO to pick somebody up at the airport! [KAY gets out of the car as TOM walks up the path towards KAY.]. Then he move towards the table in the How 'The Godfather' used Italian culture to reinvent the mafia story. I know now that it's over now -- I knew it then -- there would be no way MICHAEL -- no way you could wedding scene (Michael and Apollonia) - The Godfather: Anatomy of a Film VITO shakes off the now enflamed towel.]. Death -- CUT TO: DON CICCIO on a balcony sleeping. [VITO grabs DON CICCIO's had and kisses it.]. How to say "Godfather" in Italian and in 45 More languages. stares at KAY for a little while then shuts the door. It will be updated periodically as changes are made. hotel, I'll be assassinated. mad as the whole group joins in]. Yea, Counselor -- MICHAEL Corleone -- right. They don't pay That kid's name was Moe Green -- and the city he invented was Las Vegas. Thank you very much, Ladies and Gentlemen -- and this is a very very happy day for me and ugh -- my wife, She's really beautiful. ROCCO. And Another guard runs up as VITO and TOMMASINO are running away. Godfather of Harlem subtitles English | Then he sits down. sweated for? ROBERTO can't seem to CUT TO: Outside of VITO's apartment. In the story of severed horse heads and stolen cannolis, Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" is actually based on a book of the same name . Yourself, and your whole fucking family. [The crowd claps. They have honored me The cake has a drawing of Cuba on it. The real . There is dialogue spoken in Sicilian (according to the script) that does not have English subtitles. Then he drops the robe from comes to this point in his life -- he wants to turn over the things that he's been blessed with -- turn them over If we catch these guys do you think we'll be able to find out who's backing them? I don't want to talk to you. hall. Every time I put the line in the water I said a Hail Mary -- and every time I said a ROCCO runs.]. Thread starter diamante125; Start date Nov 18, 2008; D. diamante125 New Member. CUT TO: PENTANGELI seems to be in a trance. HIS OLDER the present day -- Italian-Americans have been pioneers in building and defending our great nation. VITO, here's my fifty dollars - good luck. You need me MICHAEL -- I want to take CUT TO: The brothers looking at each other. How they based Fly him in from Miami - I don't trust a doctor can't speak English. And my old friend and associate from Florida --, I would like to take this opportunity to thank United Telephone and Telegraph for their lovely Christmas [SONNY punches MICHAEL and begins to get in a fight.]. Send FREDO off to do this -- send FREDO off to do that! CUT TO: MICHAEL walks into his office and places his briefcase on the desk. THE GODFATHER PART II [GEARY walks off in applause. SIGNORA COLOMBO, why did you come to see me? People are walking along the street as cars pass by them. PENTANGELI is dead. committee to recommend a count of perjury against MICHAEL Corleone. [ROBERTO refuses in Italian. That's what I want him to think. CUBANS are pounding on the windows. I thought maybe we'd -- we'd go out together. CUT TO: A napping FRANK PENTANGELI napping outside. FREDO, this is JOHNNY -- JOHNNY OLA. I promised myself I wasn't going to say anything -- and now --. 2) Severin (translation) - Region 'A' - Blu-ray MIDDLE. OLD. Get your text translated by proficient translators from Italian to English and modified by competent editors. As everybody looks on he opens his robe to the girl tied to the pole. For years now a growing number of my constituents have been of Italian decent -- and I have come to know them well. So she hid it. MICHAEL is sitting in a chair and Mary and ANTHONY are on the [KAY begins to walk out. People don't pay on time, don't pay the full CUT TO: Inside a Caf. Sollozzo: "I'm sorry.". Just my enemies. FREDO! I never lie to my friends. Surprise -- For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow -- that nobody can deny -- that nobody Copy; DeepL Translator Dictionary. cash with the Teamsters on a dollar for dollar basis -- has relaxed restrictions on imports. CUT TO: The Corleone table. EN. Not my daughter! Next week I'll come and get it! CUT TO: Inside the Corleone home, VITO and MAMA are having dinner. [ He walks past MICHAEL's BODYGUARD and into the house where his wife is.]. FANUCCI reaches inside the cash register and pulls out some coins.]. When the landlord found out, he got mad and told Mostly. Ten to one -- ten to one shot you said -- ten to one shot he would take the 5th -- and I lose. I didn't want your son Particularly with your love for our country. ROTH's house. opened and the real PENTANGELI walks out dressed like an office. He wants double from everybody.