I am above sin! His widowed mother was owned by the church, we are told, and the fact that the boy was fatherless is less important than that the church could not provide Elmer with principles. He has been educated by Roger Williams, Adoniram Judson, Luther, Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, George Washington, Lincoln, Robert Ingersoll, William James, and Frasers Golden Bough. As the film progresses, we learned of Elmer Gantry's past especially his own previous desire to be a minister/preacher. He is friendly but self-important; everyone thinks he is popular, but in fact he has almost no friends. He raises money to build a new church. She is forced by her father to marry Lloyd Naylor. He is an opportunist, a rogue, a charlatan. More mundane examples include the star power of Scientology and Christian rock concerts. But Sharon stands by Elmer and truth prevails, until both are seduced by fame and blind faith over common sense, and fate deals them a crushing blow. Continuity mistake: At the end, there is a scene in a burning church. AKA: Elmer Gantry, le charlatan. One device after another is employed to introduce him to new denominations and round out the picture. Mahlon Potts is the influential minister of the First Methodist Church in Zenith. She is of the occult; she is a witch. It took a long time before I watched this movie on VHS. WebElmer Gantry; Keith Phares, Sharon Falconer; Jennifer Rivera. In Newark, New Jersey, Alvin Shipwreck Kelly sat atop a flagpole for twelve days, and in Chicago, the gangster Al Capone was tightening his grip on bootlegging. He wonders whether he might have become a great chemist, which would surely have been better (and more profitable) than year after year again of standing in the pulpit and knowing your congregation dont remember what youve said seven minutes after youve said it. From discontented dean, who never appears again, the narrative moves immediately to the aged parents of the deans wife. The steady accumulation of damning portraits of those whose spiritual home is the Protestant church, and the lack of any serious counterweight to them, led Rebecca West, in a hostile review of Elmer Gantry that first appeared in 1927, to write that Lewis lacked the necessary requirement of the satirist, which was to fully possess, at least in the world of the imagination, the quality the lack of which he is deriding in others. Wests point was that Lewis effectively exposes the charlatans and the way they misuse their power, but fails to show how that religious power might better be used. This site built with Project Largo from INN and proudly powered by WordPress. He falls for her on sight, and follows her to Lincoln, Nebraska, for her next revival meeting. He cribs some passages from a book and then gives a rousing sermon. "Elmer Gantry", directed by Richard Brooks, is one of his best. The Reverend McGarry tells Frank simply to accept the church with all its imperfectionswith its Gantrysand turn to giving hope and comfort to the piteous human beings who come to the church for help. And she does look sexy in a slip. Continuity mistake: At the end, there is a scene in a burning church. Traveling in the Southwest, he is beaten and blinded. It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet. You're all goin' to the painful, stinkin', scaldin', everlastin' tortures of a fiery hell, created by God for sinners, unless, unless, unless you repent. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. As Lewis so devastatingly wrote, Elmer got everything from the church and Sunday School, except, perhaps, any longing whatever for decency and kindness and reason. The implication is that those three qualities were not present in the Baptist church of Paris, Kansas. Elmer forces him to resign by questioning his religious beliefs, after which Shallard gets a job with the Charity Organization Society. Grebstein, Sheldon Norman, Sinclair Lewis, Twayne United States Authors Series, No. Well, he didn't disappoint here, either, with a fantastic performance as those of you who have seen this already know. The Baptist influences to which Elmer is subjected in his youth, particularly at Terwillinger College and Mizpah Theological Seminary, are handled very roughly. but I have my doubts ", Wow! After two years as a traveling salesman, Gantry attends a revival meeting and is immediately bewitched by the evangelist Sharon Falconer. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Wallace Umstead is a student Mizpah Theological Seminary who becomes the secretary of the Zenith Y.M.C.A. The film is basically how Hollywood, in the late 1950s, viewed tent religion in the early part of the twentieth century. He is coerced into becoming a minister because his family, his town, and his college are so tightly structured around the church. WebWhat is meant by gantry girders? Im not! Schorer also says that, while researching the book, Lewis attended two or three church services every Sunday while in Kansas City, and that: "He took advantage of every possible tangential experience in the religious community." gantry Gantry becomes her lover, but loses both her and his position when she is killed in a fire at her new tabernacle. And yet Lewiss attitude to his character is a little more complex than this long list of his faults might suggest. Jim observes his defeat from his bed, laid ill with a bug no doubt divinely-sent. Judson Roberts is an evangelist who is the state secretary of the Y.M.C.A. Using his sales techniques, especially on one of Sister Sharon's underlings, the nave Sister Rachel, Elmer is able infiltrate her entourage. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Her voice was warm, a little husky, desperately alive. In The Master, Joaquin Phoenix plays an alcoholic failure who falls in thrall to cult leader Lancaster Dodd (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Many reviewers have already remarked on this terrific movie far better than I can, so this message is really for younger people interested in serious film. It seems unlikely that Lancasters character would risk immolation for her. He plans to quit the church and get a good job selling real estate. Excerpt from Babbitt Cecil Aylston is Sharon Falconers assistant. Gaining and keeping followers is the key to the success of any religion, and religious leaders must recognize this and figuratively, though sometimes literally, sell the religion. Burt Lancaster is bold and provocative as the title character who is preaching to you one moment and drunk and surly the other. He confesses his love for her and they begin an affair, peppering their lovemaking with religious imagery. Fire is mentioned throughout the film, and cinematographer John Alton sets the mood by casting dark red and brown shadows. But he did not achieve the heights of success he had enjoyed during the 1920s. In the following essay excerpt, Lundquist suggests that Lewis portrays religion as stifling, as a manifestation of the pioneer mentality that characterized the old American and has become a threat to the new American. Except in some of its sexuality (there are a couple cringe-making lines), however, the film doesnt feel outdated today. Think about how Jim would view Elmer, and how he might react to what Elmer says. Im afraid! He replies, Thats damned nonsense! Later he says, Come on now, Clee, show some spunk! Making fun of her, he thinks, Fellow ought to be brutal, for her own sake. Brute, fake, or philanderer, Elmer Gantry seems nevertheless destined for a successful career. Fifty years since I married a preacher! Elmer pulls the burning jacket off her, and beats Since he is ordinarily only a caricature, we cannot consider him a believeable human being; and when Lewis tells us that he has a conscience, we refuse to believe it. Elmer It is the call! He follows her to her bedroom where he sees a couch high on carven ivory posts, covered with a mandarin coat; unlighted brass lamps in the likeness of mosques and pagodas; gilt papier-mch armor on the walls; a wide dressing-table with a score of cosmetics in odd Parisian bottles; tall candlesticks, the twisted and flowered candles lighted; and over everything a hint of incense. She gives him a robe for the service of the altar. The ships captain who in the storm took counsel with the orphaned but righteous child of missionaries in Zomballa. But a grand jury investigation found that McPherson had spent a pleasant month in Mexico with a married man from her church. British guitarist and vocalist. By so doing they give themselves an advantage over the general public. The Faithful Dog who saved his master during a terrific conflagration . (Later Elmer runs from a conflagration, saving no one but himself. One might say that on matters of truth, he is neutral; he is not a believer or a nonbeliever. Frank Shallard is a student at Mizpah Theological Seminary, but he doubts the literal truth of the Bible. PG. The church provided all the music he ever heard, his only oratory except for campaign speeches by politicians, all his painting and sculpture, and all his philosophic ideas. Early in his preaching career he jilts a country girl who loves him and whom he has seduced. Named himself in honour of the character in the Burt Lancaster movie Elmer Gantry. Elmer Gantry: Sin. He marries a woman he does not love. The relentless, unrelieved exposure of religious hypocrisy, while amusingly presented in parts, tends to become wearying. It is not merely a case of the good priest versus the bad priest. There have been five adaptations of the novel. When Gantry is framed as a philanderer, both Falconer and Gantry endure the wrath of an angry public in Zenith, but are quickly restored to their pedestals upon a retraction. WebFull IPTV List channels worldwide With 20000 channels + 40000 Movie and series. Elmer Gantry Elmer at first returns her affection, and they get married. One Sunday, he is surprised to see Lulu in church, and the next day he begins an affair with her. The film isn't just about rural religion in the 1920s, or how media is exploited, or how sometimes clever hucksters can outwit themselves. It applied the methods of historical and literary analysis in order to determine the authorship, date and place of composition of the books of the Bible. Elmer gets converted to Christianity only because he cannot resist the pressures put on him to do so. Can there ever have lived a clergyman with Elmers astonishing range of vices: his chronic insincerity, his hypocrisy, his lust, his overweening ambition, his cynicism, his appalling behavior to his family? The Chickasha Daily Express (Chickasha, Okla.), Vol. 57, No. 175, She appears to Elmer as a saint, arms outstretched, stately, slender and tall, passionate. To revisit this article, select My Account, then View saved stories. , Sinclair Lewis: An American Life, McGraw Hill, 1961, pp. Meanwhile, Babe Ruth was closing in on the home run record.