She graduated with a B.A. Seeing the skill and intelligence of animals at close quarters can only foster admiration and respect for other species. Travelling circuses are still allowed to transport wild animals while they are in England. When the current licence expired, the ban was put into effect. Not to mention that this process goes on for generations on end. First, animals in captivity are often deprived of their natural habitat and social structure, which can lead to physical and psychological problems. Are Zoos Ethical? Arguments for and Against Zoos - Treehugger Unfortunately, circus elephants are highly susceptible to tuberculosis due to constant, stressful transportation conditions and poor water quality. that cannot take beatings anymore end up hurting humans and are eventually put down soon after. The driving force behind her writing is her passion for sharing knowledge with others all around the world. He simply refused to do a trick and wanted to leave the arena. , and encourage circuses featuring only human performers! Alternatives to balloons and sky lanterns. Retired animals must be placed in a zoo, sanctuary or with an individual trained to care for wild animals. 2. Pros and Cons of Animals in Captivity | Vision Launch Media Because the idea that wild animals belong to the circus is outdated. Wild circus animals are usually captive-bred, but this doesn't mean that they're tame. Zoological gardens are a controversial component of human society. 3. There are economic benefits to consider when animals perform at the circus. There have been seven prosecutions of circus trainers in 130 years; a tiny minority of the trainers who worked blamelessly in that time. 17. 9 out of 10 animals rescued from EU circuses suffer from trauma. This disadvantage is one of the primary reasons why the largest circus companies stopped using elephants and other animals in their shows ultimately forcing some of them to go out of business. This disadvantage is one of the primary reasons why circuses around the world have been responsible for over 100 injuries and several fatalities. This paper discusses the pros and cons of banning zoos and circuses with two opposing philosophers. The loud noises and crowds of people are often upsetting or frightening for performing animals. 3. A. lthough the UKs Government pledged to ban them in 2012, the individual Conservative MPs still repeatedly block the bills. Circuses must report all endangered species deaths to the U.S. Generations of people have brought their children to see wild circus animals. Many instances link the deadly disease to an infected. It is illegal to euthanize an animal on the endangered species list unless there is a specific reason for taking that action. 8. After attaining her masters degree in English language and literature, she has decided to join the team of creative writers dedicated to delivering the hottest content on the web. China has banned animal circuses and Bolivia has banned live animals from travelling circuses. Circus animals such as tigers and elephants are on the endangered species list. You can see exotic animals without the need for traveling. Because animals must become broken before they can perform tricks or stunts for entertainment, the combination of uncomfortable positions, potential abuse, and small cages or enclosures can lead to abnormal behavior patterns. These enraged elephants attacked pedestrians, destroyed buildings, and even severely injured some people. According to facts on circus animal cruelty, obesity is one of the leading health issues these creatures have to endure. Training and performance are organised play, like throwing a stick for a dog or pulling string in front of a cat. We have existing laws to deal with individual cases of cruelty. Chinese circuses have defended their shows, saying that the animals are well fed and that teaching them tricks can help them become "stars". Every aspect of the animal's life, diet and accommodation is governed by strict guidelines. When the show stops, the animals typically return to isolation in small, barren cages which give them no opportunity to carry out behaviours natural to their species, or to interact with their own kind. It was largely the tricks performed by dolphins in aquariums that convinced the public they were intelligent and worth saving. Elephants entertain people in the circus Voyage / Peta Deutschland e.V. Sometimes they even harm themselves. Animal-free circuses are thriving, so consider going to one of them for entertainment value instead of watching animals perform useless tricks. According to upsetting facts on circus cruelty, lions and tigers with a white coat can only be produced by father to daughter or sister to brother inbreeding. 2. For full information read our circus reporthere. Unfortunately, this was the case with Cholita, an Andean bear illegally kept at a famous circus in Peru, now thriving in the wild. Always a draw for families, the circus has put the power of the human body over the parade of animals that once made it famous. Since 2000, there have been over 35 serious cases of elephants escaping circuses and running wild through city streets. Of course, from the audiences perspective, the show might seem like an awe-inspiring performance starring some of the most exotic and wild creatures known to man. When would someone ever see a bear wearing a costume while spinning balls with its hind feet? Additionally, alternatives to animal captivity, such as virtual reality and online resources should be considered and used whenever possible. Animals in circus (elephants, lions) are endangered species. The average life. List of Cons of Animals in Captivity. Greece: General ban on the use of all animals. Circuses travel nearly year-round, in all weather extremes, sometimes for days at a time. The Animal Welfare Act looks out for the. Although this is a great step, domesticated animals such as horses, dogs, goats, llamas and birds are sadly still permitted to be used in Irish circuses. This way an increasing number of people can take a stance and speak up for these unlucky creatures. 17 Pros and Cons of Keeping Animals in Captivity - ConnectUS If you want to take it one step further, consider writing a letter to your local officials to stop cruel. Azizah binti Abbas (55559) 3. They are frequently beaten with sharp tools that resemble fireplace pokers called bullhooks. NSW Government Fails Wild Animals in Circuses - and the Public Examples of when people use animals . Unless government officials follow up inspections, nothing gets done to protect the animals from abusive situations. The industry relied on animal trainers, showmen, and itinerant performers who would perform at local fairs. 4 Red discussing pros and cons of using circus animals Often, they are confined to small spaces where they are forced to either stay sedentary or pace up and down for hours upon hours. Even though circuses in Cyprus, Greece, Bolivia, and Malta have banned the use of all animals (both wild and domestic), some countries still wont budge. 9. These actions are so unnatural that no animal can be encouraged or instructed to carry them out they must be forced. Animals all over the world need more care, more safety and more room to play with their type of species. Animals Asia Foundation All Rights Reserved 2020, Moon Bear Hero Awards 2022 Kindness in Action, animal circuses teach our children nothing. Cons: In some cases, animals are abused or mistreated and travel in cramped and filthy conditions. Elephants are made to stand on one leg and spin in circles often while standing on top of small stools. All rights reserved. He instantly became the biggest star (both literally and figuratively) of the show. 4. Hence, we can deduce that captive tigers are, in fact, more afraid of their handlers than the flaming rings. In reality,animal circuses teach our children nothing. Circuses, zoos, aquariums, dog fighting, hunting, fishing, horse racing, bullfighting all of these practices keep animals in captivity and use them against their will for human entertainment. And children's eyes are brought in other ways sparkle than . Based on circus animal abuse facts, torture and cruelty do not end with wild animals. When working with exotic animals people learn from them and they can learn life values such as compassion. The same gene responsible for the white coat is also linked with the optic nerve, wiring it to the wrong side of the brain. 11 Pros and Cons of Zoo 5. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What are some pros and cons of using animals for entertainment? Training techniques involve using whips and other devices to force animals to act. travel 11 months per year in unspeakable conditions. Even adults will seldom get as close to wild animals as they do in a big top. Keep in mind, though, that circus performances were held close to the railway yards back in the day. Cons: -Animals are forced to do the tricks. While the circus created jobs for singers, dancers, entertainers, clowns and misfits who could levy their socially awkward physical appearance for a livelihood, it presented a challenge for the animals. Perhaps it was only publicised by animal rights organisations to their existing supporters? According to circus cruelty facts, the secret to achieving this lies in something referred to as Operant Conditioning. Its a particular type of training method which relies on learning through rewards and punishments for specific behavior. Profit cannot be the primary consideration for this advantage to become available. Britain's last big cat trainer, Thomas Chipperfield posted a video diary on YouTube to demonstrate how this works in practice. that are most affected by tiny cages are lions, tigers, bears, and elephants. She was an African bush elephant from Mozambique who performed with Circus International out of Honolulu. Most importantly, Simon managed to shut down some circus companies and even protested against the Ringling Bros. to take circus elephants off of shows. For example, tuberculosis-infected circus elephants were connected to a severe outbreak in Tennessee. , the first circus elephant was sold to the notorious P.T. Why animals should not be in circuses - Animals Asia Foundation The Wild Animals and Circuses (Wales) Bill came into force on 1 December 2020.